Princess Cécileof Bourbon, Conchita and her mother, Aniceta.
On the order of Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani, then Pro-Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, who had been informed about the Garabandal "events" by the father of the princess of Bourbon Parme as early as the summer of 1965, Conchita at last goes
to Rome.
On this trip with her there were Fr. Luna, Cecile of Bourbon Parme, Aniceta and Professor Medi (University of Rome), former ambassador of Spain to the Vatican.
Cardinal Ottaviana listened to Conchita for more than two hours. Although we still have partial information about their conversation, we know, nonetheless, that Conchita told him the date of the Miracle as well as the nature of the very important Church event that will occur on the same day, while also answering 'presumed' difficulties reported to the Pro-Prefect . . .
Several other important members of the Roman Curia also welcomed the visionary. She would later meet the Pope's confessor and told him also the date of the future "D" day. But, more important, Conchita was to be introduced to Paul VI, in a very private audience attended by only five persons, which took place providentially on . . . January 18th! Undoubtedly, on this very first day of the "Week of prayer for the Unity of all Christians," the visionary told the Holy Father what she knew about the future 'reunification of all Christian Churches,' about 'the Council, the last Popes,' etc . . .
The Sovereign Pontiff will eventually bless the visionary twice in these terms: "Conchita, I bless you and with me the whole Church blesses you."
Taking advantage of a wait of twenty-four hours before her rendezvous with Cardinal Ottaviani, Conchita and her fellow travellers went to San Giovanni Rotondo. There she met a "friend": Blessed Padre Pio! The latter, although not feeling well that day, came nonetheless against all expectations, to greet the visionary . . . as soon as he was told that "Conchita of San Sebastian de Garabandal is also here." The interview was warm, the famous Capuchin constantly blessing
Conchita and assuring her of his prayers.
As to her crucifix, kissed by the Blessed Virgin at Garabandal, Conchita presented it to Blessed Padre Pio during her visit, asking him to bless it. This he did, placing the small crucifix on one of his stigmata, in the palm of his left hand, then covering it with Conchita's hand . . .
[From 'Garabandal' Book, pages 204-205]
Who could understand the ways of God? Everything is so mysterious! It's so true that He is in control and guides us at every moment. We just have to be holy and open to His Will and everything turns out for the better!
Conchita goes to Rome for a meeting with Cardinal Ottaviani and winds up seeing two Saints, Padre Pio and Pope Paul VI. What a wonderful experience that must of been. I probably would have fainted! We wonder what they talked about? Whatever it was that Conchita said, both the Pope and Padre Pio blessed Conchita over and over, which really means that they were also blessing the Garabandal events as well. Praise God!
Roman Deacon
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