Saturday, October 30, 2010

Garabandal - Interview with Conchita Gonzalez - Part 1 of 4

Garabandal - Interview with Conchita Gonzalez -...
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San Pio de Pietrelcina y Garabandal

Discovered San Pio de Pietrelcina y Garabandal via Immaculata
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Garabandal - Interview with Conchita Gonzalez - Part 4 of 4

Discovered Garabandal - Interview with Conchita Gonzalez -... via Immaculata
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Garabandal - Interview with Conchita Gonzalez - Part 3 of 4

Discovered Garabandal - Interview with Conchita Gonzalez -... via Immaculata
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Garabandal - Interview with Conchita Gonzalez - Part 2 of 4

Discovered Garabandal - Interview with Conchita Gonzalez -... via Immaculata
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

AUGUST 1963:

Doctor Jean-Baptist Caux with Conchita. 


The visionary explained to Dr. Jean Caux, the well-known witness of the Garabandal events that "it will be possible to film and even televise the great Miracle!" She also added that "the happy and future great Church event of "D" day will be the second only of its kind in Church history," though, of course, much more important than the first one!
Conchita was at this time, achieving the writing of her precious Diary: some forty handwritten simple, yet priceless pages. The vivid style sometimes rises to a real level of poetry. The description of the portraits of Our Lady, of Child Jesus and of the Angel, is charming and the details are exquisite; Conchita's spelling is . . . pleasantly outrageous and is matched only by the "revolutionary expressions" of her syntax! The account covers, quickly and very concisely, the period of the apparitions, and stops after the beginning of the locution phase. The brief testimony "from within" is nevertheless an irreplaceable document.
[From 'Garabandal' Book, page 177]

More mystery! What could this great Church event be? I'm guessing, but I think it will be another Vatican Council, which will be attended by all Christian churches, who will unite into One Holy Catholic Church!
It could also be the proclamation of the final dogma regarding Our Lady as Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate! There are thousands of petitions going to Rome asking the Holy Father to proclaim this dogma right now! What do you think it will be?
What a "happy" day that will be, not only for us mortals, but for God Himself, who desires all this for His glory and our good!
I've read Conchita's Diary many years ago. It would be good to read it again. I'll try to find it on and post it here soon . . .

Here's the link to Conchita's Diary:
Deacon John


Dr. Puncernau Testimony

Reprinted with kind permission from GARABANDAL JOURNAL May-June 2004

(Dr. Ricardo Puncernau was an internationally known neuropsychiatrist and professor at the University of Barcelona. He made several trips to Garabandal during the time of the apparitions and studied the girls both in ecstasy and in the normal state.)

    Many interesting things happened in Garabandal. For example, the girls had ecstasies that lasted three to four hours (during which they sometimes wept); there would be a short break and then they would enter into ecstasy again for three or four more hours. This happened many times.
    The girls slept little. As 12 and 13-year-olds, their parents did not spare them the hard work in the fields. They had to do this every day since their parents were very demanding. The doctors who belonged to the original commission investigating Garabandal had said: "This won't last long. The girls won't be able to go without sleeping, working hard every day in the fields, running up and down the hill to the Pines and being in ecstasy." Nevertheless, I can affirm that in Garabandal the healthiest girls physically and psychically were the girls who were having the visions.
    I studied their characters and personalities using tests, and living in the town in close contact with them. They were normal and playful children who never put on any airs of sanctity. But the character of the children was not normal; they enjoyed such peace, tranquility and calm, that it could be called supernormal.
    Many times they fell into ecstasy after everyone was gone. They were not trying to impress anyone, make a theatrical production, or be treated as special; this was simply a phenomenon that happened to them, and after it was over they returned to their normal state — or supernormal, as I have already said. The girls of Garabandal were in this sense perfect.
    Trying to get information from them about the apparitions was like trying to wrestle a cork out of a bottle. And if you kept insisting, "What's the Virgin like? What did the Virgin tell you?" they would give a very short precise answer. They did not voluntarily start talking about the apparitions but they were more at ease talking about them with priests. Anyone else had to pry it out of them expending much effort in the process.
    I must say that Garabandal was extraordinary for all the different states present there. For example:
1. State of Trance: This has been captured on film and photographs, and I was there and am a witness to it all. In this state the girls appeared to be unable to feel pain. The flashes of photographic cameras did not disturb them. A loud noise near them did not alter their state. Pricks with needles did not produce any reaction.
2. Muscle tone: Their muscle tone changed during the ecstasies. They became like marble statues, hard, cold and strong, yet during the ecstasies they could lift each other with amazing ease. In one well known case, Mari Loli's hand grabbed a glowing light bulb. The people around her, afraid that she would burn herself, tried to pry it out of her hand but were unable to do so. They called one of the girls not in ecstasy at the time, and she was able to gently remove it. This ability to pass from a totally rigid musculature to complete relaxation was noteworthy.
PHOTO: Dr. Puncernau between Mari Cruz, left, and Mari Loli. His daughter is on the right.
3. Absence of Fatigue: Another state was the total absence of fatigue. The ecstasies came at different times and the girls had nothing to do with the timing in which they came. I'd be talking with them and they would say, "We've had a first call," then later, "We've had a second call." As I continued visiting with them and they would be telling me a very interesting story, suddenly in the middle of a word they would fall to their knees with a loud thud. This was very interesting to me as the trances arrived when they arrived and not when the girls wanted.
    There was a time when Mari Cruz was not having ecstasies, and another time Jacinta became ill from not seeing the Virgin. They wanted intensely to see the Virgin but could not. This speaks in favor of the girls not being able to voluntarily produce the ecstasy, neither consciously nor subconsciously, as would happen in a neurosis "dérica." The visions came to the girls when they least expected them.
    Of course, there are so many other things to mention, however there is one other marvelous detail that I would like to emphasize. The girls in ecstatic trance were stiff, yet they would change expressions from sad to smiling. Four girls not paying attention to each other would instantly change their expressions from a pathetic sadness to a merry smile. This is proof that this was not a game they planned.
    I have spoken about these events of Garabandal to the Doctor's College of Barcelona, to the Hospital Clinic and to the Medico-Pharmaceutical Brotherhood, to the Sts. Cosmos and Damian Brotherhood, to the Hypnosis and Parapsychology Society and many other places with many other medical doctors. Generally they listen very closely, but there is one thing I keep emphasizing. Anyone by just looking at the pictures of the girls in ecstasy must ask, What is this? There is no neuropsychiatric illness that can account for this phenomenon and there is no explanation.
Signed: Ricardo Puncernau
Reprinted with kind permission from GARABANDAL JOURNAL May-June 2004  
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Monday, October 25, 2010



The first of the two very remarkable locutions of Christ to Conchita occurred in the village church. Its content is so dense and transparent and of such quality, that we need only, at least for the moment, to read it very attentively:
"As I was giving thanks to God and asking Him for certain things, He replied.
"I asked Him to give me a cross, for I experience no suffering in my life, except that of not having any crosses. As I was asking Him for that, Jesus replied:
"Yes, I will give you a Cross."
Very moved, I kept on asking for other things and I said to Him:
"Why is the Miracle coming? To convert many people?"
And He replied: "to convert the entire world -Para convertir al mundo entero" - [Our Lord was thus indicating the importance of the events of Garabandal.]
"Will Russia be converted?"
"Yes, it will be converted; thus everyone - todos - will love our Hearts."
"Will the chastisement come after that?"
He gave no reply.
"Why do You come into my poor heart without any merit on my part?"
"Because I do not come for you; I come for the whole world."
"When the Miracle takes place, people will think I am the only one to have seen the Blessed Virgin."
He replied: "I let you be the one who, by your sacrifices and patience in trials, will intercede with Me to perform the Miracle."
And I said to Him, "Is it not better that I be with the four or that You take none of us for the intercession?"
And He said, "No."
"Will I go to Heaven?" And He replied, "Will you love our Hearts a great deal and will you pray to them?"
"When will you give me the cross?"
He did not answer me.
"What will I be?"
And He did not reply. He only told me that, wherever I am and whatever I am doing, I will have much to suffer.
And I asked Him, "Will I die soon?"
And He replied, "You must stay on earth to help people."
And I said to Him, "I am of little importance, I will be unable to help You in any way."
"Through your prayers and your suffering, you will help the world."
"When we go to Heaven, are we dead when we go there?"
And He said to me, "One never dies."
I thought that we did not go to Heaven before we rose up again.
I asked Him if St. Peter was at the door to greet us and He said, "No."
When I was thus in prayer or in a conversation with God, I felt I was outside this world.
Jesus told me that "Now more people love My Heart."
On the subject of priests, he told me that I ought to pray a great deal for them, so that they may be saints and fulfill their duty well and make others better. "May they make Me known to those who do not know Me and make Me loved by those who know Me and do not love Me."
[From 'Garabandal' Book, pages 175-176]
Rosa Celeste: Dante and Beatrice gaze upon the...Dante and Beatrice Gaze upon the highest Heaven. Image via Wikipedia

Another amazing event in Conchita's life, and like Jesus said, "Through your prayers and your suffering, you will help the world." So many times we ask the question, "What is my life all about? Am I doing anything worthwhile? Will I Go to Heaven?" Conchita had those same questions for Jesus and she was still a child. Most of us have lived many years. We're still looking for the answers. It is good to reflect on Our Lord's words to Conchita, because He is speaking to each one of us. He wants to let us know how happy He is with each one of us as we try to offer all our prayers and sufferings for the conversion of the world. Keep up the good work! Remember we never die, just pass into a new life, a life of joy in God!
Deacon John
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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Pastor receives special grace

An Encounter With Fr Marichalar

(Taken from the magazine GARABANDAL-NUEVA PENTECOSTES. September-October 1987)
Reprinted with permission from GARABANDAL JOURNAL , March-April 2004

Fr. Valentin Marichalar was the pastor of Garabandal during the time of the apparitions
  This gentleman deserves special mention as he was the pastor of San Sebastian of Garabandal during the apparitions.
    He told of his misgivings concerning the events that had ended the pastoral peace and routine of Garabandal. So much was happening that he didn't know about and he needed to know the truth.
    Without telling anyone, he mentally asked the Virgin: "If it's true that you are appearing here, then let the girls come tonight and wake me up" (most of the ecstasies occurred at night).
    He went to bed at the usual hour, but instead of going to the house or room where he usually stayed, he went to a barn and lay down on the hay without telling anyone about it.
    About two or three o'clock in the morning, when the girls [in ecstasy] began knocking on the barn door, he was filled with joy, but didn't open right away, waiting to see if this might have been just a mistake. As the knocking continued, he finally opened the door.
    He was always happy in telling this story, but not everything for him was joyous as he suffered much. On March 29, 1987 at age 78, he entered into eternal rest.
(signed) Jesus Miguel Hormaechea and Pedro Balda Unanua
from GARABANDAL JOURNAL •  click to order your copy 


Garabandal Pilgrimage Video

This video allows us to have a closer look at the Village of Garabandal. It's like our own personal pilgrimage to the holy places there, especially the Pines. I really enjoyed it and I hope you do too!
Deacon John

Click on this link:

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1963:

Cardinal Wojtyla (future Pope John Paul II) paid
his homage to newly elected Pope John Paul I.


Pope John XXIII wearing the striped papal fano...Image via Wikipedia
On this Monday of Pentecost, at the moment when the bells of the village church were ringing announcing the death of Pope John XXIII, the Blessed Virgin confirmed interiorly to Conchita that "henceforth, there were only three Popes remaining before the end of the times."

The death of the Bishop of Rome was to give rise to many stirs and, apparently, it even questioned the very future of the Council. But "it will go on and reach its normal and full conclusion," Our Lady assured Conchita during that very locution.

The Blessed Virgin prophesied here (unless it was on December 20, 1962) that "one of these three last Popes would have a very short Pontificate." No doubt, this was to be John Paul I, as revealed also to Blessed Padre Pio and to Sr. Lucia (of Fatima), among others . . .
[From 'Garabandal' Book, page 174]

I don't remember much about Pope John XXIII, but I remember Paul VI. As a young motorcycle courier for a local TV station in New York, I stood next to Pope Paul VI and Cardinal Spellman on the steps of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Manhattan when the Pope visited New York in the 1960's. I even went to the Mass he celebrated in Yankee stadium and received a holy card from the Mass. Guess what? I wasn't a practicing Catholic at the time, but I must of received a special grace from being near the Holy Father, cause a few years later I converted and went back to church! What a miracle!
I remember the short reign of Pope John Paul I and also how happy we were when John Paul II was elected Pope in 1978!!! There was so much modernism running rampart through the Church at that time and we all felt sure that he would stop it!
Now we have Benedict XVI, and again we are hoping for a re-newal of the Church, especially the Liturgy! And if the prophecy is correct, all the events promised by Our Lady at Garabandal are supposed to happen during his reign. Time is getting short. It's not the end of the world, just the "End of the times!", as Our Lady said . . .
Deacon John
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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Promotion of the Message 2010

The Workers of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
October 18, 2010
Dear Friends,
As we approach the Fiftieth Anniversary of The Apparitions of Garabandal in 2011 we are extremely pleased by another incredible year in the promotion of the Message of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
We continue to receive internet traffic and email from around the world in steadily increasing numbers. Italy, China, India and the Philippines continue to heavily patronize our website with recent rising interest from Japan, France, Poland, Vietnam and Korea in 2010. Our September offer of a Saint Michael chaplet received an overwhelming response across the English speaking world from Glasgow to Brisbane and across the U.S. and Canada with the returns still arriving. We are encouraged to hear from young promoters in Central and Eastern Europe, Portugal and Latin America who are taking the Message forward to a new generation.
Anyone who contributes to the spread of the Message is a true Worker of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and shares in the many graces and blessings received from accomplishing this great work. We remain united in prayer with Masses said for the Workers on the 18th of each month.
For our English and Spanish speaking subscribers who are members of a family or religious prayer group or lay association and would like to distribute DVDs of the Message of Garabandal among the group, send an email with DVD PACK in the subject line to and we will send you a package of 10 DVDs to distribute. Please include the name of the organization, your name, address, country and zip code. Remember to seek the approval of the appropriate authority, if necessary, before distributing these DVDs.
Para nuestros suscriptores ingleses y de habla hispana que sean miembros de una familia o de un grupo religioso del rezo o pongan la asociación y la quisieran distribuir DVDs del Mensaje de Garabandal entre el grupo, envíe un email con el DVD PACK en la línea sujeta a y le enviaremos un paquete de 10 DVDs para distribuir. Incluya por favor el nombre de la organización, su nombre, la dirección, el país y el código postal. Recuerde buscar la aprobación de la autoridad apropiada en caso de necesidad, antes de distribuir esta DVDs.
If you have recently joined our email list or have received a DVD of the The Message of Garabandal or Garabandal: After the Visions from us in the past and have given it away and would like another gratis copy, email with DVD or ATV in the subject line and include your address in the text of the email.
All Garabandal promoters may print hard copies of any book, leaflet, or article found on our website – We encourage the duplication and gratis distribution of hard copy materials as well as the faithful translation and linking of website content to other sites where permitted. All DVDs from the New York Center may be faithfully duplicated if distributed gratis.
Promoters outside English or Spanish speaking countries may email us for a foreign language master DVD for local promotion. This promotion may include duplication and gratis distribution, free public showings in homes, churches or local venues or broadcast on local television or locally hosted internet. Please include the language of your choice, your complete mailing address, postal code, country and a brief description of your apostolate or organization and the intended use of the materials.
You can join our email list by subscribing on the Joey's Message page of our sending an email to with LIST in the subject line. The text of most emails is usually posted to the Joey's Message page of the website within 48 hours. We appreciate those email subscribers who forward on our email to their contact lists and those outside the English speaking world who faithfully translate and forward on or post our email messages.
We are grateful to Almighty God and to Our Lady of Mount Carmel and to Saint Michael for the incredible spread of the Garabandal Message in 2010. The apparitions at Garabandal concluded in 1965, there have been no further public messages since that time. We now anticipate the occurrence of the world wide Warning, a global illumination of consciences, which the world needs with great urgency.
Please remember every day; the Morning Offering of Reparation, Mass and Holy Communion, the Rosary and Scapular, and Devotion to Saint Michael. Please continue to pray for priests.
In Union of Prayer,
The Workers of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Lindenhurst, NY USA
P.O. Box 606, Lindenhurst, NY 11757-0606

Saturday, October 16, 2010

MAY 1963:


Conchita's stay at Lourdes was organized by Reverend Luis Lopez Retenaga, a professor of Theology at the major seminary of San Sebastian (the great Basque city). He, too, was an important witness of the "events" of Garabandal. The pilgrimage unfolded within the framework of the annual diocesan pilgrimage of Santander.
During this pilgrimage, one of fervor and serenity for Conchita, she had a locution revealing the healing of a little handicapped girl that would occur on the day of the Miracle. She was one of the thirteen hundred Spanish pilgrims who had come to Lourdes.
Joey Lomangino, Francisco de Gallego and Daniel Fernandez, two patients paralyzed since childhood, and this little girl are the four individuals whose healing was clearly predicted and promised by the Blessed Virgin for the "D" day.
The possibility for Aniceta to make this trip was the 'sign' by which she had asked the Blessed Virgin, to confirm the authenticity of Garabandal. Thanks to a letter addressed to him by Conchita, Dr. Jean Caux went to Lourdes, where once again he was to provide us with new and precious documents (film and photos).
As to Don Retenaga himself, he took occasion also of his many stays in San Sebastian de Garabandal to gather noteworthy clarifications from Conchita and Mari-Loli, particularly about their locutions. Questioning them from the very beginning about his subject, he understood the difficulty that the two adolescent girls had in explaining this type of new "communications" they were now experiencing. On the one hand, because of their very limited vocabulary and scanty religious culture; on the other hand, because of the particular nature of their "interior locutions" that do away with words related to the senses, but directly impress the intelligence and the heart. Consequently, their literal human translation proves to be delicate. Nevertheless, it is helped by the fact that "such words are engraved almost indelibly" (Conchita).
[From 'Garabandal' Book, pages 173-174]

I have already told you that I knew and helped the blind Joey Lomangino back in the 70's. Well he's been promised by the Blessed Mother to get "new eyes" on the day of the Miracle. Well, Joey's a few years older than me and I'm 73. How long can he live and then use those eyes "for the glory of God", as Our Lady told Conchita. That's what I mean about the Warning and the Miracle coming soon! Time is running out for Joey, and for all those people who are promised a miracle of healing.

I've never been to Lourdes (actually I haven't been to too many shrines in my life time), but I would love to go there. Not for a healing, but just to be where Our Lady appeared and walk the same ground. I have a wonderful movie about Bernadette and Our Lady of Lourdes. It was made in France a number of years ago and is quite good. I've watched it many times. It's never boring!
Deacon John

Wednesday, October 13, 2010



On this Holy Thursday, probably, Conchita learned about the future "Senal," the Sign which, right after the events of the "D" day, "will stay at the site of the Pines until the end of times, in the form of a luminous column, a kind of cloud by day and fire by night." This phenomenon will symbolize, through its obvious biblical, ecclesial and eschatological connotations, the presence of God in the midst of His people, so enlightened and guided in its worldly journey towards the "Promised Land." Who then would not see also that such a Sign will doubtless represent for the Jews themselves, at the beginning of this 21st century, as it were, a powerful and astonishing reminder of the Sinai Covenant and of its profound exigences? For "they are beloved (of God), for the sake of their ancestors; for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable" (Rom 1:28-29). Indeed, in this way, Garabandal will reveal, in a broader prophetic scope, the richness of what we call the "mystery of the Carmel" . . . of which we are still too unaware. That mystery, with its obvious link with the huge figure of the prophet Elijah, so dear to the Jews, obviously refers to the "mystery of the people of Israel" with whom Yahweh had concluded an
Eastern Orthodox icon of the prophet Elijah, d...Image via Wikipedia
alliance in the past, but also to the whole People of God, the eschatological Israel."
At the very spot where this prodigious "Senal" will emerge, a sanctuary will eventually be built in honor of the Archangel St. Michael, "Protector of the People of God." We may also note that this great "Sign" will necessarily have a profound affinity with the very nature of the Miracle to come. It will not only be visible for everyone, but it will even be possible to photograph and televise, but not touch, such an extraordinary supernatural phenomenon.
[From 'Garabandal' Book, page 172]

Wow! I just learned something new! Of course I knew about the Great Sign and that is will be like the column of fire that led the Israelites across the desert, but I didn't realize its connection with the possible conversion of the Jews and their acceptance of Jesus as the Messiah!
You know that St. Paul wrote about this in Romans Chapter 11, verse 25. He says: "Brothers, I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery lest you be conceited; blindness has come upon part of Israel until the full number of Gentiles enter in, and then all Israel will be SAVED."
How about that! So the way I see it, after the Miracle, when everyone of us Gentiles are converted and safely in the Roman Catholic Church, the Jews, seeing the Great Sign of God, will also enter the Church as followers of Christ! Amen to that! This I've got to see!!!
Deacon John
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Sunday, October 10, 2010

From Mark Mallett, A Powerful Writing on the New Era to Come: Creation Reborn:


Creation Reborn


THE 'new age' to come will be one of profound peace, justice, and love that will subdue the nations. But what about the physical dimensions of that era, especially given that, according to Scripture, the earth will have undergone great convulsions and destruction?

Do we dare hope for a renewed planet?




Friday, October 8, 2010

MARCH 1963:


Conchita had been suffering a great deal ever since the month of January from not seeing the Blessed Virgin. Because she already knew the date of the great Miracle, she felt how much one must be able to wait . . . actively. Assailed by the doubts of her entourage, she, too, was beginning to waver . . . when she heard Mary's voice interiorly for the first time telling her: "Have no doubts that my Son will perform the Miracle."

This first of the two locutions that Conchita was to be granted as early as March 1963, gave her "a joy and peace still greater than when [I] saw the Blessed Virgin . . . for then I have Our Lady inside me!," she explained. Fascinated by "this voice of intimate happiness without words," Conchita was henceforth "as certain," as she said, "that the Miracle would come, as 2 and 2 make 4!"

Conchita wrote in her Diary that she preferred locutions rather than apparitions, but still more to receive the Eucharist. She explained that her locutions occurred when she was praying "either in my room, or at the Pines, or again at church."
[From 'Garabandal' Book, page 171]

That's great theology and Faith in Conchita's remark that she preferred the Eucharist over any apparition or locution. It shows where her head is! The Holy Spirit has taught her well! And besides, the apparitions or locutions could be a trick from the devil, but the Eucharist is Real and True, and the center of our Faith! It's a good lesson for us! The Holy Mass and Holy Communion should be our priority each day, and if we can, we should go to daily Mass. That's where we will receive all the graces we need for our life here on earth and prepare us for our life in Heaven.

Jesus, truly present in the Blessed Sacrament, waits for us in His house, the church, enclosed in the tabernacle. He longs for our visit as He keeps Himself a prisoner of love for us! Imagine that! Oh, how many ignore Him! How many are indifferent to His presence! How many rather run to some statue or Icon to light a candle, completely oblivious of Jesus Real Presence!

Could we be the small remnant who will love Him, adore Him, offer reparation to Him for this? It will give Him great joy if we join together and do this!
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the Euchar...Image via Wikipedia

"O Most Holy Trinity, I adore Thee! My God, my God, I love Thee in the Most Blessed Sacrament!" [Fatima Prayer]
Roman Deacon
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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Interesting Video:


Conchita praying at the Pines.


(From March 1963 to February 1966 . . . )

"Interior locutions are a very particular type of inspiration from the Holy Spirit. In the order of prophetic revelations, they represent, like visions, an extraordinary phenomenon of life. Such locutions are regularly reported, especially since the writings of Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross.
Included at times under the general title of "private revelations," they are sensed in the innermost regions of the soul; their powerful effect is felt, and the memory is indelibly marked by them. Locutions are unpredictable and absolutely clear; they are short, contain a broad content of meaning in a few words. (Dic. Spir., vol. 12, 1983).
The criterion of the ultimate authenticity of those "interior words" is verified by the spiritual benefit they produce: peace, joy, trust, etc. . . . Such are the characteristics of the locutions of Conchita and Mari-Loli. they form an integral part of the Garabandal phenomena and occurred from March 1963 to February 1966, on more than forty occasions, and were about equal in number for the two visionaries.
Conchita had locutions especially from the Blessed Virgin, except two very significant ones from Christ, whereas Mari-Loli seems to have been favored with as many from Our Lady as from Our Lord.
The great subjects developed during the apparitions were also developed in the locutions. Of a more existential and personal character than the visions, they however helped the two visionaries to deepen their spiritual formation and their related 'mystical' life, thus intensifying their union not only with Christ and Mary, but also with all Christians, Catholic or not, and even with all human persons.
These "interior words," on the whole, thus act as a powerful confirmation, as much for the visionaries as for the witnesses, of the truthfulness of the ecstasies and more of the divine origin of the Message of Garabandal. Jacinta and Mari-Cruz did not have any locutions.
[From 'Garabandal' Book, page 170]

Like a said before, many Saints had locutions and also those who have not been canonized. Even now I'm reading a book titled "He and I", where Our Lord talks interiorly to a lady in France in the early part of the 1900's. It's one of the most beautiful and inspiring books I have ever read, especially as you hear and meditate on Our Lord's words to the lady. These words really penetrate the heart!
Of course there are many other great books with Our Lord's words, which I have read over the years of my spiritual journey. Our Lady too, has dictated Her words to certain souls. One of the most famous is "City of God" by Venerable Mary of Agreda. It's in four volumes and Mother Mary relates Her whole life story to the nun. Many Popes have given their blessing to all those who read "City of God." I've read all four books about three times and still pick it up once in a while to re-read. It seems that Our Lady, who has taken me under Her mantle and has guided me, is my special spiritual director and always guides me in my prayers and spiritual reading. What a blessing! I owe everything to Her, for without Our Lady, I would be on the road to hell instead of heaven.
Deacon John

Monday, October 4, 2010

FEBRUARY, 1963: Joey Lomangino & Padre Pio

Joey being blessed by padre Pio
Joey receives Holy Communion from
the hands of Padre Pio

Joey Lomangino was born on June 27, 1931, in the area of Brooklyn (U.S.A.) from Italo-American parents. He was the eldest of five boys and one girl. In 1947, while he was watching a car tire being inflated, Joey received the rim in his face. The bones of the forehead were crushed, the optic and olfactory nerves were damaged. He was three weeks in a coma before he woke up . . . on the 16th of July (Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel)! Plunged in total darkness since his accident, Joey will recover his sight on the day of the Miracle.

In 1961, he traveled to Italy and met St. Padre Pio for the first time, at the monastery of San Giovanni Rotondo. Although they had never met, the famous Capuchin greeted the American with these words: "Ah, Joey, how happy I am to see you!"

February 1963, Joey made another trip to Europe. He went back to see Padre Pio, who heard his confession and . . . miraculously restored the use of his olfactory sense . . . while the nerve still remains severed! Joey not only, then, recovered his Christian Faith, but Padre Pio would even encourage him to go to San Sebastian de Garabandal, after he had assured him very clearly that, "Yes, it is true, the Blessed Virgin is appearing at Garabandal!" Joey was far from being the only one to whom the great Italian stigmatist would confirm the authenticity of the apparitions: in addition to Conchita herself, may we mention, among others, Frs. Pel and Marcelino Maria Andreu, Padre Gustavo Morelos ( from Mexico), Mr. John Haffert (then President of the "Blue Army" of Fatima), Miss Eloisa Deguia.
[From 'Garabandal' Book, pages 166-167]

This brings back many memories for me. I was with Joey in the early 1970's as he gave conferences on Padre Pio and Garabandal. He always started his talks with the Rosary and I ran the slide projector showing scenes of the Mystery being prayed. When he gave his talk, I showed pictures of Garabandal.

Some of the things said above were a little distorted from what Joey told us personally. For instance, it wasn't a car tire that blew up in his face, but a truck tire, and from his father's ice truck, no less! He was helping his father fix the tire. Strangely, Joey's mother had a premonition as he was going out the door to help his father. His mother saw a black cloud over Joey's face and told him to stay home. He said, "No, Mom, I have to help dad with the tire." Later that day
there was that dreadful accident.

When Joey went to see Padre Pio the first time, he was not in a state of grace and had been living a wild life, considering he was blind. He had a nervous breakdown and it was his doctor who told him to take a vacation. His relatives took him to Italy to see those kin still living there. They took him to see Padre Pio, hoping for a miracle, that he would see again!

When Joey went back to see Padre Pio the second time, he went to confession to him. Joey said that he couldn't remember all his sins cause he was so nervous, so Padre Pio said, "Don't worry, Joey, Jesus and Mary love you," and started to tell Joey all the sins of his life. Then he asked if he was sorry and absolved him. That was when Joey received his sense of smell, like an explosion, back again. He hadn't smelled anything for 26 years and it knocked him off his feet! What was also amazing also was that Padre Pio spoke to Joey in perfect English!

There's so much I could tell here but it would fill a lot of pages. I'll just end it by saying, if it wasn't for Joey and all the "Workers" who helped him, I probably wouldn't have been ordained a deacon. I truly believe that by venerating the Large Medal that Joey had people kiss after his talks, (given to him by Conchita and kissed by Our Lady) was the instrument of God's grace to help me convert from my wild life and dedicate it to God, through Our Lady of Mount Carmel
de Garabandal!

Joey is now 80 years old; he sure needs to get those "new eyes" soon. What do you think? Years ago we laughed at Joey saying he will probably be in a wheel chair when he gets to see again. Well, it seems that prophecy is coming true! May the Miracle come soon to give Joey his  sight and convert the whole world! Amen!
Deacon John

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Amazing photo of Conchita levitating!


For Conchita as well, the great period of the apparitions came to an end on that day. She would have no more ecstasies, except in a very sporadic way. On this Sunday, also the Feast of San Sebastian, Patron Saint of the village, Conchita, in ecstasy, visited the last house of Garabandal that had not yet been visited! Doctor Jean Caux, who then was present, said that this ecstasy lasted more than two hours. for him it was one of "the most beautiful ecstasies I ever witnessed!"
[From 'Garabandal' Book. page 163]

And so this stage of the "Events" of Garabandal has ended, and a new time begins, as we shall see in further posts that some of the girls started to receive locutions, where Jesus and Mary talk to them interiorly, privately. This is like a one to one conversation with the supernatural. Many Saints experienced locutions and wrote volumes of books on their revelations . . .

Conchita said once that she would rather have a locution over an apparition, cause then she has God inside her talking. Very interesting!
Deacon John