What to Know about the Warning and Miracle
Dear Friends, There has been a recent increase in interest concerning the Warning and Miracle. We have briefly summarized the events in the text below and provided links to the most essential materials on our site. More information is contained in the various books and articles found there, however the following links highlight the necessary information everyone should know.
The Warning, which will not be announced in advance, will be experienced by the entire world and while shocking will be for the benefit of all people. It will serve to correct the conscience and purify the world for the coming Miracle.
The Great Miracle, which will follow the Warning within twelve months and will be announced eight days in advance, will be experienced by those in or near the village of Garabandal. Those present will experience a miraculous outpouring of grace. There will be physical healings and spiritual conversions. The Miracle will conclude with a visible sign left at the pines until the end of time.
The Warning by Connie Hoebich
Warning and Miracle Leaflet
Warning and Miracle Magazine
The best explanation on video of the coming events was given by Conchita in the early 1980s. If you would like a DVD of the BBC Interview After the Visions, we would be happy to send one complimentary copy to members of our email list. Please send an email to joey@garabandalny.org with ATV in the subject line. Please include your name, address, city, country and zip code. Supplies are limited to one per email, first come first served.
The best preparation for the Events is to live the Message and remain in the state of grace through prayer and frequent reception of the sacraments. Please continue to pray and promote. P.O. Box 606, Lindenhurst, NY 11757-0606
Is it true? Mari Loli died in Boston 4/20/09???? :-(
ReplyDeleteYes, it's true. See todays blogpost for more info.
ReplyDeleteMay God bless Joey Lomangino and his wife and children lots of love Denise Turra
ReplyDeleteGod Bless you Mari Loli, God Bless you Joey and your family does anyone know how I can send him a letter or e-mail. I just want to hear him tell me about our Beloved St. Padre Pio how I would have loved to have met him while he still lived I viewed his Holy Body a few months ago I did not want to leave it was like a tiny little of heaven being there and I pray that I will be invited again. Father Ermelindo told me that it was accident that I went there that I was invited, I was overjoyed when he hugged me and told me that and then blessed my friend and I and our things. How I would love to be able to go and live next to his shrine and perhaps even get to work at the shrine. I was told that I have to be invited. But I would love to write to Joey I pray each day and ask God now what Father? my parish priest and spiritual director told me now just wait. God Bless you all
ReplyDeleteYou could write to the address above on Joeys letter or go to http://www.garabandal.us/home.html
ReplyDeleteand click on contact to send an email to Joey.
Is there anything current on the messages or things Our Lady Mary has shown to the visionaries? Do the children of the girls ever have any premonitions or feelings from Our Lady? I am very interested in knowing as much as I can. I strongly believe in the visions and of those in Medjugorhe. Please bring me up to date with any current info from the last couple of years. thank you
ReplyDeleteStacey Lacour
Stacy, actually it's been very quiet at Garabandal except for the pilgrims that go there. Some groups have been given retreats there too. Our Lady did say that before the Great Events, many will not believe any longer. It's a grace to believe and to persevere! Thanks for your input. Check back here as I do post a few items each week and as soon as I get any new news, I will post it at once!
I agree with you Deacon, I sometimes have wondered about the events and how I am certain many have forgotten...I feel that this happens for a good reason.."Many after awhile", forget and go on with their lives because nothing appears to be happening however everything is a process and we must continue to believe and not allow our guard down. We must continue to see the signs all around us live as God has asked us to live. Persevere' yes I believe and I wait...God Bless
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment! We await the great Events. Hang in there everyone, Our Lady will not disappoint us!
ReplyDeleteThe apparitions in Garabandal are authentic. They are also confirmed in the TLIG messages given by Jesus to Vassula Ryden. We will definitely be going through the warning, miracle and chastisement in our own lifetime. The latter's intensity depends on the state of humanity's souls after the miracle but it seems to be inevitable. It all depends whether the world truly turns to God and accept him. I have personally been to Garabandal and will be there again. Blessed be our Holy Mother in heaven. May God pity our misery.
ReplyDeleteSome Irish visionaries are saying The Warning is this year. Get ready for it. Get your visa and passport ready for Spain next year and book your tickets for Garabandal. Dont wait for plane tickets to become 5000 USD.
Bill, The Warning will come to us, so we don't need any tickets! But the Miracle that will follow at Garabandal will be announced after the Warning by Conchita. Then you will definitely need tickets to get there, unless you live near Garabandal. Otherwise, for us poor people and those who can't travel, we will watch it all on EWTN!
ReplyDeletele contare que hace muy poco tiempo atras me entere de garabandal...y de las visiones de las niñas..a pesar de mi edad que tengo hoy 50 años...y me he dedicado a buscar informacion...y no me cabe duda que nuestra santa madre nos va a mandar el aviso y lo que conlleve al aviso .en estos momentos estoy tratando de entender como rezar el rosario..espero pronto hacerlo todos los dias..le contare que le he conversado a mi marido de garabandal y me gustaria ir en los momentos del milagros..bueno me despido de usted..muchas bendiciones...
ReplyDelete"Blessed are those who believe and cannot see" as Our Blessed Mother told the visionaries of Medjugorje. I too believe these events will happen within our lifetime. These are not events that should scare us. God is compassionate, merciful and just. What we must do.. and do fervently, is pray for the nonbelievers.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless,
Please send any new info on Garabandal or Medjugorje here: be512@aol.com
Peace be with you! I'm Liza Brioso from Philippines. To tell you the truth,I never doubted about the apparitions in Garabandal. I've heard this before but I never devoted much time to study or reflect about the messages of Our Lady. Until just last week when I remembered Medjugorje and Garabandal. I then began searching in the internet about these apparitions and also about the messages of our Mama Mary. Even up to this time, I continue to read and study these things. Frankly, I am scared about what will happen in the future about the Warning, Miracle and Chastisement. I have only one question...is it true that there would only be three popes (counting from Pope Paul VI) who would occupy the Vatican before the miracle will happen? Just curious! If it's true, what could be the reasons or explanations for this? And is there any latest about Conchita Gonzalez? I can't find any latest about her. Thanks. God bless!
ReplyDeleteHi Liza, I'm glad that you are renewing your knowledge about the apparitions. You will find all your answers to your questions about Garabandal on this blog. I have posted about the meaning of the three popes several times. Use the search box. Also Conchita is living quietly in New York and also has a home in Fatima. All is well.
Deacon John
Thank you very much for your reply. May the Lord through Mother Mary continue touch many hearts. More Power!
ReplyDeleteI went to Garabandal in 1980. But it was very difficult....took the train as far as we could and then hitch-hiked for days. Finally got there, went to the chapel and up the hill.. but did not feel very welcomed, left there after a few hours. Was hurt, but was trying to make a pilgramige on our own, my sister and I. Would love to go back after the warning. But I am worried too...but have to trust God.
ReplyDeleteBefore the Great Warning, the world will be in severe turmoil...I am not certain if there will even be regularly scheduled flights to anywhere...I think people will generally be fleeing for their lives....After the Warning, I cannot even imagine what the world will be like....
ReplyDeleteWe are hoping to designate August 2011 as a special month for prayer and reparation to God, from Day 1 through Day 30. Please pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy daily, along with daily mass and receive Holy Communion (while in the state of grace, of course), and fast, once a week (Fridays, if possible, but other days are fine, as well). The intention is for the salvation of souls, especially for those who might not survive the Great Warning....
ReplyDeleteThe Irish visionarys are insistent with the news the Warning is imminent, within 8-10 weeks from mid August of 2011. I am watching for the Pope to visit Russia and his removal. If that happens then its on. Also mentioned comets colliding. And guess what elenin , honda and levy are on their way due in around sept - Oct.
I want to know how are Conchita and Joey in these days, and also what is the best way to get to Garanbal. I believe in the apparitions, the Warning and the Great Miracle.
ReplyDeleteMario from Costa Rica
Mario, go to http://www.garabandal.us for info on Joey.
ReplyDeleteDeacon, thank you for all of this information and direction. I have just discovered this blog and it answers alot of the questions that I have had for a quite some time. Best wishes for 2013 and God's richest blessings. Andre
ReplyDeleteI was at Mari Loli's wedding as a little girl and my parents were friends of Maria Sarraco. I can remember watching the slides and being scared. As I look back the events of Garabandal were only about 10 years old.
ReplyDeleteTHank you for this blog. Your wife is in my prayers.
I just talked to Maria on the phone. She's still working hard to spread the Garabandal message. She thinks the Miracle will take place this April. We shall see!!! God bless+