Deacon John
Carol Ameche has been receiving locutions (an inner voice heard in the mind and felt in the heart.) from the Triune God and the Virgin Mary since 1992. She has three earlier books (Queenship Publishing) containing alleged messages from heaven, and presents this one, "FOR MERCY'S SAKE" about times that see the "end of time as we know and live it now" (NOT the end of the world, but) enormous changes in the world, great destruction, great outpourings of the Holy Spirit, attempted world domination by the enemies of freedom and God Himself, a call to the earth that pleads trust in Heavenly promises of protection and God's Divine Will, teachings that guide us through chaos and upheaval on the earth without fear or despair, requests for enormous amounts of prayer for the salvation of the entire world, and a clear picture of life in the new era of peace and purity on a renewed earth. These words are also shared by her in travels all over the world. This call is reflected in locutions being received throughout the world by simple, ordinary people chosen, says our Father God, since before they were born. Present day events attest to words revealed for those who will listen to the call of our Creator to choose life! Carol lives in Scottsdale AZ with her husband, Don. They have five children and eleven grandchildren, and are members of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. She has been speaking throughout the world for the past fifteen years to share words of knowledge received internally from the Triune God and the Virgin Mother regarding the need to 'change' in the people of God, as all are called to become, in order to reach out to those who come to us after a great gift of God called the Illumination of our minds to the state of our souls ( Also known as the WARNING ) as God Himself sees them. This time period has been full of her answer to encourage all to pray for the salvation of the whole world, and to have hope in a renewed and purified future for the world. Her life, as well as those of several others in the world is dedicated to sharing words of warning of coming disasters that will fulfill Scripture until the Return of Jesus. She is available to speak in your area and only needs a plane ticket and home in which to stay. Her phone # is 480-990-8012, or stargranni@aol.com.
External locution through Carol at Ameche Prayer Group, 11/30/2008
My dear ones, be with Me now in prayer for the people in India. I am your Mother. I am their Mother and Mother of the entire world.
My children, you will see many, many terrorist attacks throughout the world now as part of the Father’s plan. He allows it to happen as it fulfills Scripture; and it also allows His plan to go forward. Always, My children, when you see disasters, hear of people going into Eternity because of them, you can rejoice for those reasons. You know, now, how important it is for Scripture to be fulfilled totally. You know how important it is for the Father’s plan to go forward because you have been waiting so long. I tell you, you will see more escalation. You will experience the things you have been waiting for so arduously and so long; and you will rejoice. Although it may be painful, that will not last long; because you are so faithful now. Think about what you will say to people who ask you, “What is going on, what is all of this, what does this mean?” Be sure to emphasize that great disasters are not the end of the world although you know the Warning will look like one, an end of the world; and most certainly it will cause a tremendous change and there will much adjustment afterwards, because you will be living in a new way. Pray for everyone and their ability to adjust to change, to adjust to walking away: many people will be unable to leave their possessions, not realizing they are the ones who are owned by these things.
More prayer than ever has been called for, I repeat that again today. You can find time for more prayer. When you see these things, you will wish you had prayed more. Again, do not worry. Do not fear. You and your loved ones will be reunited through many of these events as Jesus has promised; and you will serve together the very needy people who come, and need your prayers they d, more than ever. The sight of destruction will open hearts, will open minds; and this will be your opportunity to answer questions.
Do not fear, My children. Remember, there is nothing you will be unable to do for their needs. It will be a short period of time that they are with you. The Father has waited as long as He can; and so things will move quickly and yet the great feast of the birth of My Son must be allowed to occur in the life of each one of you, of each person who believes throughout the world, without interruption. So many, many graces will be poured out on that feast, so important to the lives of the rest of the world.
Rejoice with Me, My children. You will begin to feel My presence more once again to give you strength, to give you hope, to help you keep on keeping on. Be sure to remind people that I am their Mother. They are My little ones, and they are loved by myself, by their Triune God more than words can deeply explain; but the words we have are enough.
I love you. I am so happy to see you all gathered once again and health returning to those who have suffered. I am so happy to hear the sincerity in your voice, the love in your voice, the beauty on your faces. I am with you. I am with you every second. When something makes you sad or hurts you, be aware of that. Practice that now. From now on, you need Me more than ever. My children, I am so grateful to you. Thank you for your love, your gratitude, your fidelity. Yes, My dear ones, all is well. Do not, I tell you, be afraid. Amen, Amen, Amen. Amen."
Carol Ameche
I am sure hoping and praying for conversion graces for all my loved ones at the warning or before. It's so hard when some of your dear ones are far from God. I began praying 2 Our Father's, 2 Hail Mary's and 2 Glory Be's lately in honor of Jesus' precious blood. There are promises in the Pieta prayer booklet about doing this and one of them is that 4 generations of your family will be saved if you do these prayers each day for 3 years. Lord have mercy!
ReplyDeleteAnyone who wants to save their loved ones from damnation go to www.greenscapular.org.You need to write their names on the scapular and say "Immaculate Heart of Mary pray for us now and at the hour of our death".They will be saved.