Monday, August 26, 2013

Fr. Ramon Andreu's Notes: Part Three, Post 48

Many priests came to Garabandal

Report from San Sebastián de Garabandal made by Matutano—Dec. 16, 1961

It has been about a month since the parish priest was changed. The new priest, Fr. Amador, is 35 years old and is a good psychologist. He is very concerned about the girls, not only during the apparitions when they run, but also when they are in the normal state.

His opinion is that there is nothing supernatural about these apparitions, but he is also convinced that the girls are not playing games. As a result, he believes that they are suffering from a psychological illness. He tells the girls, and he also says in his sermons to the village something that has caused disturbance in the village—that it is impossible for the Virgin Mary to descend on the earth, and for that reason the girls don’t see the Virgin, but an image. This happened when Jacinta said that the Virgin appeared with her hands together (like Fatima) and Fr. Amador said that the apparition was the same as the image of the Virgin in the parish. He said that the girls were obsessed with this image even though they always said that the Virgin appeared with her arms extended downward.

I asked if there would be a concrete, verifiable miracle produced by the girls, because then the Church would have to admit to the reality of the apparitions. They answered that the miracle would happen but that it would not prove anything. It would be done by God as a result of the faith of those who ask for it. I asked what the Church needed to give faith in the apparitions and he answered that nothing would do it.

He is convinced that Loli, Jacinta, and Conchita suffer from neurosis (he has only seen Jacinta, Conchita, and Mari Cruz having apparitions), and he is very enthusiastic about Mari Cruz (I am also) and he told me that if she was the only one having apparitions, he would be predisposed to believe in something supernatural. He negates the visions because the three girls are very vain, and this does not correspond at all with the Virgin.
View of the parochial church in San Sebastián ...
View of the parochial church in San Sebastián de Garabandal, Cantabria (Spain)]] (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

He said during a sermon in the parish that the Virgin is like any another Saint and that the only path to achieve glory is through Christ. This seemed bad. He tells them that they are hypocritical and superstitious. All of this, as is logical, is said with good manners and sympathy. He works a lot, as I said before, and he teaches the young girls and boys of the village to sing Christmas carols. He teaches them to accompany him during Mass and gave them some pamphlets in Latin so that they can follow the Mass. I note that the girls listen and see during the apparitions, and the rigidness that was first apparent in their limbs has disappeared. This agrees with the reports done by the doctors of the Commission sent by the Bishop. But I think they turn their heads and I confessed as much when I asked: “How do you cure this illness?” And he told me: “I don’t know and neither do the doctors.” I asked: “How can you diagnose an illness if you are ignorant of the causes and the remedies?” He said: “I think something has to be diagnosed,” and I said to diagnose a supernatural origin. He answered: “We can’t.”
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Friday, August 23, 2013

In October, Fatima our last Chance ?

In October, Fatima our last Chance ? -

Francis and Fatima


In October, the statue of Our Lady of Fatima will travel from Portugal to Rome, where the Pope will entrust the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
This coming 13 October Pope Francis will entrust the world to Mary, as part of the Year of Faith initiative. This is in continuation with the acts performed by his predecessors, from Pius XII to John Paul II and is a demonstration of Francis’ deep devotion to the Virgin Mary.
The original statue of Our Lady of Fatima, with the bullet that struck John Paul II (in the 13 May 1981 attempt on his life) set in the Virgin Mary’s crown, will arrive in St. Peter’s Square in the afternoon of Saturday 12th and Francis will be there to receive it. This is the 10th time in just under a century that the Marian effigy leaves the Chapel of Apparitions in Fatima, Portugal. In the evening the statue will be taken to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Divine Love in Rome, where a prayer vigil will be held. On morning of October 13th, the statue will return to St. Peter’s Square, where the Pope will celebrate mass after the Rosary and will consecrate the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
The first of these consecrations took place during Pius XII’s pontificate. On 31 October 1942, right in the middle of the Second World War, Pius XII consecrated the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on the radio in Portuguese, mentioning Russia especially, according to the instructions received by the three little shepherds during the apparition at Fatima. Another consecration was made by John Paul II on 25 March 1984, when tensions were running high because of the European missile crisis.
..........(the full article below) :

My Comment : We live in extraordinary times, in fact we are living the end of Times, when during my last trip in Garabandal, I was talking about the world situation to some eyewitnesses of the Apparitions of Garabandal and trying to have their opinions regarding the Warning and if they thought that the time was closed due to this world situation, I have been quiet surprised by their answers : yes we could be closed but the World situation will be worse especially in our this news about a new consecration of the World to the Immaculate Heart of our Lady next October by Pope Francis is a good news BUT has been already done in the past, so why a new one ? why the Pope will need to consecrate the world again to our Mother, did our Mother did not accept the Past Consecrations by Pope Pius XII or by Pope John Paul II ? I don't think so, and it's not the request of our Lady in Fatima, most of us today know that, her request is quiet clear even for a child, I need the Consecration of Russia (and Russia only and Heaven already explained to us why Russia only, anyone can read it online and everywhere) to my Immaculate Heart, that's all, SIMPLE AND CLEAR, a consecration with all the Bishops will take 10 minutes not more, only 10 minutes to save this world close to a new 3rd world war (even a "blind" can see it), so I beg our New Pope who love so much our Lady and despite all the enemies inside our Church, the False Friends of Fatima as we call them, to not miss this last chance in next October as in my opinion and due to some confidences, the next months could be clear enough for all of us.
Pray our Pope Francis to consecrate Russia in next October and Russia only (with all the bishop and if some of them do not accept, excommunicate them), Pray Brothers as in my opinion, it could be in October, Fatima our last Chance ?
In October, Fatima our Last Chance ?

Wednesday, August 21, 2013



My Comment : Dear Readers, you are more and more, from all around the World, so Join me ! Comments are ON, don't hesitate to leave a comment about my articles or if you have any news or questions linked to Garabandal and to Fatima especially, the best comments will be published online, don't hesitate, many read but few comments, don't be ashamed if it's the case ! I am open to any questions and to any comments, so don't hesitate, take my hand and JOIN ME.
PS : A special Thanks to Deacon John from who published some of my articles, I don't know you directly man of God but I am praying for you and your wife in Heaven.
A special thanks also to all my contacts, especially from the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Belgium and UK, many of your emails are a help and a support for me, my Wedding in Garabandal has been difficult, especially the Preparation, 1 year but it's done despite many difficulties here and there, so I feel today more in Peace, thanks again to all of you and don't hesitate to JOIN ME !
God Bless, Aviso
Thank you also to my Wedding Wistnesses, Amalia (Loli's sister) and her husband.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Like a Schism ! -

Like a Schism ! -

.....And she talked to him about the Miracle, and explained in what it was going to consist. Later Conchita wrote it down briefly on the back of a holy card of the Child Jesus, which Serafin (Conchita's Brother) keeps concealed and which none of the family has seen. And she told him that it would occur WHEN A DEFINITVE EVENT IN THE CHURCH TOOK PLACE, and she also explained it to him. Only in this way does Serafin know the date of the miracle.....
Later Serafin and I discussed the following excerpt from a leaflet written by Dr. Puncernau: «During one of my trips to the pastures, I was alone with Serafin and we were eating in the barn. After eating, I tried to draw him out since it was said that he knew from Conchita when the Miracle would be.
I drew the conclusion that if he knew, he didn't want to say. The only thing that I got definitely from him was that it would be preceded by a SPECIAL HAPPENING IN THE CHURCH. After many questions and answers, it seemed clear to me from his vague remarks that it would be something LIKE A SCHISM. That is the way I understood it.»
And what do you say about Dr. Puncernau's opinion? I asked Serafin.
— He is free to think what he wants. But I don't think I gave him reasons for such an opinion.

But will this happening actually be a schism in the Church?

“she went in hast in the Mountain”

The Last Warning to the Pope's Electors :

The official bulletin of the Holy See has lifted the secrecy from the meditation dictated to the cardinals at the beginning of the last conclave, with the doors already closed. Here are the essential passages.
ROME, August 13, 2013 – The Holy See has an official bulletin entitled “Acta Apostolicae Sedis." It is written in Latin, while the documents reproduced there are in the original languages. Its issues can be read on the Vatican website beginning with that of 1909:

> Acta Apostolicae Sedis
Since 2003 it has been issued in monthly booklets with the pages numbered starting in January. The latest booklet taken to press is also the first of Francis's pontificate:

> Acta Apostolicae Sedis, 5 aprilis - 3 Maii 2013
It contains among other things the proceedings of the conclave that on March 13, 2013 elected pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio. With one innovation with respect to what was already known.

The innovation - previously covered by secrecy - is the complete text of the meditation dictated to the grand electors on March 12, behind closed doors, immediately before the start of the voting.
The cardinal charged with the meditation was the Maltese Prosper Grech, an Augustinian, 87 years old and therefore without the right to vote. After his meditation, in fact, he left the Sistine Chapel.

The complete text of the meditation is on pages 352-357 of the cited issue of the "Acta Apostolicae Sedis."

Ten passages from this are reproduced below. Corresponding to as many points concerning “that which Christ wants from his Church,” in the judgment of Cardinal Grech.

Rereading them today spontaneously brings up an exercise: to identify on which of these points Pope Francis has exerted himself more, at the beginning of his pontificate, and on which less, and how.

"The action you are about to carry out within this Sistine Chapel..."

My Comment : Like a Schism but Serafin did not deny or confirm it, an other key of the Proximity of the Garabandal events ? in my opinion YES, the Schism is already inside the Church but not officially yet, Pope Francis is aware already as indicated above, Thanks again to Pope Benedict XVI. I am also convinced that the Current Pope will consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as requested by our Lady in Fatima but it will be late, I am also convinced that he is the Pope who will see the Garabandal Great Miracle from where ever he will be that time but it's my conviction only, we must Pray for our New Pope in any case as for our last Pope Benedict XVI as well, stay United Brothers with the current Pope despite all the rumor or interpretations here and there, A Pope will consecrate Russia as our Lady said it not a false Pope or I don't know who, our Lady said the Pope will see the Great Miracle, not a false Pope or I don't know what, please be aware, it's important as it's just the beginning of the Battle.

Pray for our Popes, they will need our Prayers more than ever.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Cured in Garabandal

Cured in Garabandal -

Cured in Garabandal !
The interview took place in Garabandal just few days after my wedding so August 12th 2013, I interviewed the Lady in English, the questions have been translated to her in Spanish by an American Priest who helped me for the interview, so I thank him again for his help, he did not gave me the authorization to add his name online, too humble surely but I am able to add that he was helping Father Rolando, the current Priest of Garabandal, during the Mass in the village and gave me communion, God Bless you Father.
Question : Can you introduce yourself briefly and what is your relation with Garabandal ?
I heard about Garabandal from my friends in Granada (Spain) only 3 years ago. My first trip in Garabandal was in 2010 on the feast of Corpus Cristi. I was quite sick during my first visit; many different diseases( I had been sick for at least 10 Years) specificlly from the back (Espondiloartropatia Seronegativa HLA B27+, Espondiloartrosis, Gonartrosis, and Fibromialgia Phase 5), it was difficult for me to walk and to sleep. I needed help from my husband to get up from bed, to turn during the night, to go to the bathroom, to get dressed….etc…. Everyday I had to take about 7 different medicines, the pain was awful.
During all my trips in Garabandal, I never thought to ask anything of the Lady and never thought that I would be cured. None-the-less I frequently felt a strong call to return.
My 8th trip in Garabandal was the most painful one. I was feeling really bad and on August 13th 2012, I came down from my bedroom, I went to have breakfast and an interior voice told me not to take pills anymore. I went to Mass, then to the Pines with the help of my husband as usual, it was very difficult to climb, almost impossible. When I arrived at the Pines, suddenly I thought I was going to fall down, I did not have the strength even to speak. I thought I was going to die. It was a beautiful day, suddenly I heard the voices of the people around me as they were coming from very far away. With my husband’s help, I started to go back from the Pines to St Michael Chapel . From this point I don’t remember anything. My husband told me that I started to run to the village, something that had been impossible for me a couple minutes ago, then I arrived at the Posada and I slept about 3 hours. I had never slept during the days before. When I woke up, I did not feel any pain, I could get up from bed by myself and go to the bathroom..etc…. It was a great suprise for my husband and daughter. A couple days after, I went to Tarragona with family, I felt well like never before. Since that day, I have never had pain anymore.
On August 31st, 2012, I had the annual examination with my doctor in Granada, but strangely the Hospital could not find my clinical history. The Doctor was quiet angry and told me to continue to take my medicine and to see him back in one year as usual. I did not tell him that I no longer feel pain.
When I returned on the day of the appointment (July 16th 2013), they started to analyse me as usual and the result suprised everybody. The hospital found the clinical history they had lost and they compared both results, the Doctors said : IT’S IMPOSSIBLE. The results of my test were incredible. Eventhough I felt completly well, the Doctors said the disseases were in remission, they could not believe I was cured as they had seen my previous situation a year ago.
Question : Why are you in Garabandal today (August 2013) ?
Because I am happy here and I want to give thanks again to our Lady, and to show the Clinical documents to the Priest of Garabandal, Father Rolando.
My Comment : I saw myself the Clinic documents and the Lady is totally cured today, my wedding and her smile have been the light of my stay in Garabandal, for the Glory of our Lady of Garabandal and for her Glory only, I decided to share with you, this testimony.
The rest of my stay has been full of surprises as usual, good and bad but it's Garabandal, a Unique place, I am use to say to my relatives and family when they ask me where are you going for holiday this summer Aviso ? I am going to see my Mother and it is most of the time my answer, so I saw our Lady of Garabandal and prayed her each day of my stay but I am back with AN EMERGENCY CALL, please and if it's not done yet, BE PREPARED, BE READY, all is in the messages of our Lady of Garabandal, please read them again and don't hesitate to share them with your Families and relatives, don't wait any more.
Also and Soon, an exclusive interview of Father Rolando, the Current Priest of Garabandal, he answered to all my questions, it's a man of God but also a man of freedom, he married us with love and emotion as our wedding has been a unique case for him, please Pray for him as well, the interview is still in Garabandal and will be sent to me with his signature soon but in any case and if for different reasons, the interview was not sent, I have his answers in memory and my memory is very good, the interview has been translated in Spanish by a German Priest who helped me to question Father Rolando, the interview took place in the Church of Garabandal, he replied to me orally but I asked him to write his answers and to sign the list of my questions, stay online.
Soon an Exclusive Interview of the Priest of Garabandal

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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Fr. Ramon Andreu's Notes: Part Three, Post 47

Extract of a letter
Aguilar, November 27, 1961
“From October 18th until November the apparitions continued the same as always. In one of Conchita’s apparitions, seconds before she fell into ecstasy in the street, in a moment of the day in which there were so many stars they didn’t seem to fit in the sky, a light was seen which seemed to fall over the village. In that moment, Conchita fell into ecstasy. Afterward, she told the people that she had seen a light in which the Virgin had arrived.
The people saw this light from different locations in the village.

The Virgin has told them to pray many rosaries until she returns to them on the same dates that she told Conchita. They have to pray many rosaries, make visits to the Blessed Sacrament, and make many sacrifices. When the people of the village asked Jacinta why she woke up at six in the morning instead of praying the rosary at another time since this was a great sacrifice, Jacinta answered: “The many sacrifices we do are not enough.”

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Just Married !

Just Married ! -

My Comment : I am pleased to announce to all of you my Religious Wedding in Garabandal where I am currently, married since years but not at Church as I was not baptized yet that time, it's done today on August 10th, sorry also for not being able to answer to all your emails but stay online, soon 1 or 2 surprises from Garabandal and exclusively for this blog.
I will finish with a special Thanks to my Wife, Bastiano, Graham, Amalia, Manolo, Maximina, Father Laurent, Father Rolando the current Priest of Garabandal who married us and of course to our Lady of Garabandal and to our Lord.
Thank you for all Mother !

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Fr. Ramon Andreu's Notes: Part Three, Post 46

Ascension of Luís Sagrado

Wednesday—October 18, 1961—In the morning, I went to Mass to receive Holy Communion and the girls were there also, receiving Communion. It was impressive to see the fervor of the people at Mass.
The day was the same. The people didn’t stop praying or singing Hail Marys despite the rain. The Rosary in the Church was also extraordinary. It was an unforgettable day, full of fervor and sacrifice. I cannot say that there is any great comfort in the village; to sleep on straw is considered good luck, and we had the fortune to do this. The majority of the people stayed in the street.
At ten o’clock at night, we made the ascent to the Pines to hear the Message, which was impressive. We all went up praying impassively. All of us wanted to be there that night in the rain. Not everyone could hear the message, but it traveled among the people.
Later, after we’d descended, I saw Loli walk through the village in ecstasy, and they told me that the four girls were in ecstasy.
The girls had told me before that after they told the Message they would be called by the Virgin and would stay at the Pines in ecstasy. This happened as the girls had said. The girls heard the word of the Virgin, and so it happened.
I returned to Burgos very satisfied.
The Ascension of Luís.