the visionaries in ecstasy before the closed door of the church.
Within the limits allowed by the Note from Msgr. Doroteo Fernandez and never in opposition to them, the church of Garabandal remains a major pole of the apparitions. In each one of them, or almost, the visionaries returned there to pray before the closed door. There, on several occasions, the Angel even gave them Communion.
On the day following the interdiction we know, the girls, in ecstasy before the closed door and on the advice of their Vision, suddenly decided to get a crucifix from their homes . . . except Mari-Cruz (for personal family reasons). It is interesting to note that this invitation and inspiration of "wearing a crucifix" happened on the very day of the Feast, then celebrated on August 23 in the universal Church, of St. Philip Benizi who was one of the seven founders of the
"Servites of Mary." At the moment of his death he had cried out: "Give me my book!" (that is, "my crucifix!"). Henceforth, the visionaries in ecstasy would systematically be equipped with one. This gesture, in its clear reference to the Passion, takes all its meaning in Garabandal, most especially with the second and ultimate Massage (June 18, 1965) of which, as we shall see, it will be precisely the final word.
During the apparitions, the visionaries would present their crucifix to be kissed, sometimes kiss it themselves, or make the sign of the cross with it over those present, notably over those who, very often in secret prayer, "were asking for proofs" . . . The children also made the sign of the cross with it over persons lying down and asleep, on the forehead of the sick, on the heads of beds (twice if two persons slept in them), over the vehicles of visitors, etc.
The kiss of the crucifix played an immense role at San Sebastian de Garabandal, giving rise in those benefited from this, to profound emotions, healings and even to remarkable conversions.
[Excerpted from 'Garabandal' Book, page 95.]
Again we see the obedience of Our Lady in regards to the Bishop and the Church! In obeying, She led the children up to the door of the local parish but had their apparition out in the open air. Our Lady had said "Obedience to the Church gives great glory to God". It's a good lesson for us, to obey the Laws of the Church before our own pride filled ideas! The 'First Sin' was through disobedience and pride (Satan's fall from heaven) and Adam and Eve followed up with their disobedience and pride giving us Original Sin. But "Happy Fault", it caused Our Savior Jesus Christ to come down from heaven, to suffer, die and rise for our salvation. And that's why the crucifix is so important. We gaze upon the image of the Crucified One and it reminds us of all He did for us. It calls us to repentance and reparation for our personal sins. It gives us the grace to thank Jesus over and over for His Sacred Passion.
Our Mother Mary has taught us, through these young girls, to wear and venerate a Blessed crucifix (not a plain cross), to touch others with It, asking Almighty God to bless everyone (remember, only a priest and deacon can officially bless with the blessings of the Church) and all things!
I wear a large St. Benedict crucifix and Medal, which has been touched to a particle of the True Cross, a Garabandal relic kissed by Our Lady and many other relics. There are many indulgences attached to this crucifix and a promise of a happy death to those who wear it. It also protects us from the evil one. We need all the help we can get from heaven because there is a raging battle out there for our souls! It's a good idea to wear some religious item around our necks, medals, crucifixes, scapulars, just make sure they are blessed by a priest or deacon . . .
God love you
Roman Deacon