The final locution, and what a remarkable one, of the Blessed Virgin to Mari-Loli, then a boarder with Jacinta, at Borja, in the College of the Sisters of Charity of St. Ann where famous Madre Maria Naya herself had spent several years:
"I had a locution from the Most Blessed Virgin. She told me that I would have much to suffer in this world, that I would be subjected to many trials, that this is what would make me suffer most."A reading, even a rapid one, of the last "interior words" of the Blessed Virgin to Mari-Loli suggests the following few observations:
I asked Her to tell me if I was to become a sister. She did not answer me.
She told me that She was very happy that I was here in the boarding school.
I asked Her if She would come back to speak with me. She did not answer.
I asked Her to give my father a proof of the apparitions so that he might believe. She told me that he would soon believe in them and that everyone would also believe.
She told me that She was very happy with my sacrifices, but that I ought to be better and more mortified in everything each day, that, as I had done until now, I ought to recite the Rosary every day, a devotion most agreeable to Her, that She loves us all very much, that She wanted us to be very good so that we may soon be together with Her in the glory of Heaven."
Mari-Loli Mazon
-- The phase, henceforth near, of the "great doubts and denials" that Loli was about to go through, is implicitly predicted, as well as an existence punctuated by difficulties of many forms (which indeed is very much the case!);
-- Our Lady does not reveal to the visionary that she would see her again a few days before the "D" day, something which, on the other hand, she told Conchita in 1963;
-- The Blessed Virgin, we must note, remains silent on Mari-Loli's question about her possible religious vocation; She does not tell either when "her father (Ceferino) will believe at last" (this will happen on June 2, 1974, in absolutely remarkable conditions and circumstances); [Mari-Loli's father, Ceferino Mazon, was to receive 'his' proof on June 2, 1974, the very day of his passing away, also of Pentecost . . . just when the celebrated "Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima," then going through Spain, came through San Sebastian de Garabandal.]
-- Mary insisted again, and in her own way, on the value of the prayer of the Rosary (Mari-Loli was to find in her future husband, Francis LaFleur, the one who would help her to persist with fervor in this main Marian devotion); and
-- Finally, just as She would later tell Conchita during her last apparition, on November 13, 1965, the Blessed Virgin expressed to Loli Her keen desire, almost a promise, of welcoming her as well as "all of them" (the four visionaries) in the glory of Heaven.
[From 'Garabandal' Book, pages 199-200]
What a promise! Imagine being promised Heaven by Our Lady! But we already have that promise in many ways . . . Devotion to Our Lady's Rosary promises Heaven for those who devotedly pray it; especially the First Five Saturday Devotion; Wearing the "Brown Scapular" is another promise of Heaven; How about the promises of Our Lord regarding the First Friday devotion , Receiving Holy Communion for Nine consecutive First Fridays in reparation for the
offenses committed against the Sacred Heart of Jesus promises Eternal reward in Heaven. There are many more . . . how many do you take advantage of, these wonderful Gifts from Heaven? Hey! Don't wait for your last day on earth to do these devotions, you might not make it!!!
Roman Deacon
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