This was the anniversary of the Blessed Virgin's first apparition, when she entrusted Conchita with a little message destined for Msgr. Beitia and already clearly insinuated during the seer's previous June 18 famous public ecstasy, a personal message he was to receive shortly after, thanks to Francisco Sanchez-Ventura. We ignore its content, but on the following 8th of July, he was to publish his second Note, the longest and most complete, the most open also of the
two he wrote concerning the question of the supernatural authenticity of Garabandal.
The bishop of Santander having tendered his resignation, Msgr Vincente Puchol Montis succeeded him on this same 2nd of July and was enthroned on the following August 17, 1965.
Msgr. Puchol was a native of Valencia where he was born 1n 1915. We will see more about him . . .
Our Lady of Mount Carmel also had words destined to Fr. Materne Laffineur (see November 20, 1962).
[From 'Garabandal' Book, page 198]
Not much to comment on here, except that the late Fr. Laffineur became one of the great apostles of Garabandal, spreading the Messages and events throughout the world. Here's an excerpt from Garabandal Magazine about him:
One of the first to step forward is an elderly but stout- hearted Frenchman, a veteran of two world wars with sixteen decorations and citations for bravery, by the name of Fr Materne Laffineur.
Fr. Laffineur has been to Garabandal some eight or ten times, has witnessed the girls in ecstasy, and believed! Now he is intent on doing something about it. He returns to his native France, has some leaflets printed and begins to give lectures. His listeners are impressed by the sincerity and objectivity of this eyewitness to the events and some come to help him. One such person is Fr Alfred Combe, a pastor of a parish just outside of Lyon. Later he will become Fr Laffineur's successor as leader of the French Garabandal movement and will play an important part in the worldwide diffusion of the Message.
And here is a short article he wrote on the Priesthood:
Garabandal and the Priesthood
By Father Materne Laffineur
Together with a devotion to the Eucharist, Garabandal teaches a great devotion for the priesthood. Our Lady teaches the girls to pray often for priests. Loli said one day, "I often pray for them, especially for those who wish that they were not priests. I pray that they may at least go on saying Mass."
They have the greatest reverence and affection for all members of the clergy, so much so that they are often reproached for "giving a warmer welcome to priests than to lay people."
In spite of the imprudence and unsettling hostility of certain priests, the children have never been heard to utter the least criticism of them or to show them the least discourtesy. They even make a special point of praying for them, especially for those who cause the children to suffer for reasons unknown to them.
To everyone expressing surprise at this, Loli replies, "When in the presence of an angel and of a priest, I would greet the priest first and it is to the priest that I would bow first of all."
That does not prevent them from from being nice little Spanish girls with a liveliness that reminds us of certain answers given by their illustrious compatriot. St. Teresa of Avila!
One theologian, a young priest and a fine one at that, asked Conchita:
"If you think that a priest has more power than an angel, whom would you prefer to see, the angel or me?"
"Oh, the angel of course! He is much better looking than you!"
Another cleric, deciding to put the little girls through one of those psychological "tests", asked Conchita this strange question:
"If your parish priest were neither a man nor a woman but an animal, what kind of animal would you like him to be?"
"A lamb."
Roman Deacon
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