[From 'Garabandal' Book, page 115]
Deacon John
Garabandal cannot be reduced to simple "events of the past"; it remains mysteriously contemporary as we await the fulfillment of the "Warning", "Miracle", & "Great Sign." "Therefore, judge not before the time: until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts. And then shall every man have praise from God." (I Cor. 4:5)
"WE MUST MAKE MANY SACRIFICES, PERFORM MUCH PENANCE, AND VISIT THE BLESSED SACRAMENT FREQUENTLY. BUT FIRST, WE MUST BE VERY GOOD. IF WE DO NOT, A CHASTISEMENT WILL BEFALL US. THE CUP IS ALREADY FILLING UP, AND IF WE DO NOT CHANGE, A VERY GREAT CHASTISEMENT WILL COME UPON US."The Message, apparently "childish and infantile," conceals, in fact, a powerful prophetic and evangelical charge of universal scope. It calls upon the unavoidable responsibility of every human moral conscience, that of the Christian as that of the unbeliever. It already makes reflect the interior light of the "Splendor of Truth" (God) on man and the quality of his heart, and finally on the whole world.
OVER the past month, there have been several questions which I feel inspired to respond to here… everything from fears over Latin, to storing up food, to financial preparations, to spiritual direction, to questions on visionaries and seers. With God's help, I will try to answer them.
The world is going to change.
…without the guidance of charity in truth, this global force could cause unprecedented damage and create new divisions within the human family. —POPE BENEDICT XVI, Caritas in Veritate, Ch. 2, v.33x
Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ but not do what I command? (Luke 6:46)
My child, pray! For a silence and a sadness is coming to my people. My children have turned against me. I am betrayed once again into the hands of the enemy. Who will stay with me at the foot of the cross? Who will run and scatter? Little child, pray for grace, the grace to stay at the foot of the cross with our Mother. A day will come when all that is familiar will be changed or gone. I say this not to cause you anxiety, but to prepare your heart for the coming trial. Remember always that I am with you. Remember the prayer, and pray it often. Pray it with my Mother at the foot of the cross. Through her tears and anguish she never lost faith—’Jesus I trust in you.’ —see www.pelianito.stblogs.com
The Church walks the same path and suffers the same destiny as Christ since she acts not on the basis of any human logic or relying on her own strength, but instead she follows the way of the cross, becoming, in filial obedience to the Father, a witness and a traveling companion for all humanity. —Message for 83rd World Mission Day; Sept 7th 2009, Zenit News Agency
Today, if we pay close attention, if we do not perceive only the darkness but also what is light and good in our time, we see how faith makes men and women pure and generous, and educates them to love. Weeds exist also in the bosom of the Church and among those whom the Lord has called to His special service. But the light of God has not gone out, the good wheat has not been choked by the weeds of evil… Is the Church, then, a place of hope? Yes, because from her the Word of God comes ever and anew, purifying us and showing us the path of faith. She is a place of hope because in her the Lord continues to give Himself to us in the grace of the Sacraments, in the words of reconciliation, in the multiple gifts of His consolation. Nothing can darken or destroy all this, and so we should be glad amidst all the tribulations. —POPE BENEDICT XVI, May 15th, 2010, Vatican City, VIS
"O my Jesus, this is for the love of You; for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and for the Holy Father . . ."They offered this prayer whenever they made some sacrifice or had to suffer in some way. I try to remember to do the same thing!
IT'S a word converging from many parts of the world: a "great shaking" is coming, both physically and spiritually. Mark draws together various modern prophetic voices in the Catholic Church, including Sacred Scripture, to prepare the viewer for an event that may be coming sooner than later.
To watch this video, go to Embracing Hope TV.
Caution: this video is for a mature audiences only.
For lo, the day is coming, blazing like an oven… (Mal 3:19)
I do not want to punish aching mankind, but I desire to heal it, pressing it to My Merciful Heart. I use punishment when they themselves force Me to do so… (Jesus, to St. Faustina, Diary, n. 1588)The so-called "illumination of conscience" or "warning" may be drawing near. I have long felt that it may come in the midst of a great calamity if there is not a response of contrition for the sins of this generation; if there is not an end to the horrible evil of abortion; to the experimentation with human life in our "laboratories;" to the continuing deconstruction of marriage and the family—the foundation of society. While the Holy Father continues to encourage us with encyclicals of love and hope, we should not fall into the error of presumption that the destruction of lives is insignificant.
My people, the time of warning that has been foretold is soon to come to light. I have patiently pleaded with you, My people, yet too many of you continue to give yourselves to the ways of the world. Now is the time to take special heed to My words and embrace those in your families who are furthest away from Me. Now is the time to stand up and witness to them, for so many will be caught off guard. Welcome this time of persecution, for all who are mocked and persecuted for My sake will be rewarded in My kingdom.
This is a time when My faithful are being called to deep prayer. For in the blink of an eye you may be standing before Me. Do not rely on the things of man, rather, rely on the will of your Heavenly Father, for mans ways are not My ways and this world will be swiftly brought to its knees.
Amen! Amen, I say to you, for whoever takes heed to my words and lives for the kingdom will find the greatest reward with their Heavenly Father. Do not be like the foolish man who waits for the earth to begin to rock and tremble, for then you may perish… —Catholic seer, "Jennifer"; Words From Jesus, p. 183
Then the earth reeled and rocked; the mountains were shaken to their base: they reeled at his terrible anger. Smoke came forth from his nostrils and scorching fire from his mouth: coals were set ablaze from its heat.Christ is our King, a just king. His judgments are merciful because He loves us. But chastisements can be mitigated through prayer and fasting. In an informal statement given to a group of German Catholics in 1980, Pope John Paul apparently spoke, not so much about a physical chastisement but spiritual, although the two cannot be separated:
He lowered the heavens and came down, a black cloud under his feet. He came enthroned on the cherubim, he flew on the wings of the wind. He made the darkness his covering, the dark waters of the clouds, his tent. A brightness shone out before him with hailstones and flashes of fire.
The Lord thundered in the heavens; the Most High let his voice be heard. (Psalm 18)
We must be prepared to undergo great trials in the not-too-distant future; trials that will require us to give up even our lives, anda total gift of self to Christ and for Christ. Through your prayers and mine, it is possible to alleviate this tribulation, but it is no longer possible to avert it, because it is only in this way that the Church can be effectively renewed. How many times, indeed, has the renewal of the Church been effected in blood? This time, again, it will not be otherwise. —Regis Scanlon, Flood and Fire, Homiletic & Pastoral Review, April 1994
And let us not say that it is God who is punishing us in this way; on the contrary it is people themselves who are preparing their own punishment. In his kindness God warns us and calls us to the right path, while respecting the freedom he has given us; hence people are responsible. –Sr. Lucia, one of the Fatima visionaries, in a letter to the Holy Father, May 12th, 1982.Let us enter into the deep prayer of the Bastion, especially in intercession for the many souls who remain asleep at this late hour. Let condemnation and judgment be far from us, and blessing and charity be near; let the temptation to call down justice upon our perceived enemies give way to compassion, sacrifice, and intercession on their behalf.
Do not despise the sinner for we are all guilty. If, for love of God, you rise up against him, mourn for him instead. Why do you despise him? Despise his sins but pray for him so that you may be like Christ, who did not get annoyed with sinners but prayed for them. Can’t you see how he wept over Jerusalem? For we, too, have been duped by the devil more than once. So why despise him whom the devil, who mocks us all, has deceived just like us? Why, O man, despise the sinner? Is it because he is not as just as you are yourself? But what happens to your justice from the moment you are without love? Why did you not weep for him? Instead, you persecute him. It is through ignorance that certain people get upset, believing themselves to have discernment into the deeds of sinners. —Saint Isaac the Syrian, 7th century monk
Garabandel Miracle Flight Price | |
$1000 per person total price if paid BEFORE the Warning | $1500 per person total price if paid AFTER the Warning |
1) Full payments of $1000 per person before the Warning, and $1500 per person after the Warning will be accepted for the flight. One payment only. No deposits or partial payments accepted.
(When the miracle will be announced, we may only have 7 days to pay for the planes and make all the contacts and arrangements. This will not be the time to be collecting balances due.)2) This fee will only include the round trip air fare from JFK airport... nothing else.
(We are going to try to get as many planes as weneed, each leaving from JFK airport only, going to Santander, Spain, about 50 miles from Garabandal.
We plan to get busses from Santander to as close as we can come to Garabandal, and helicopters for some of the handicapped. Dr. J. Dominguez, a Garabandal expert told me that it is estimated that as many as 25 million people could fit into the area where the pines will be visible. If even only 2 or 3 million come, the social amenities and land transportation may be extremely difficult.
But... we will try. However, it must be understood that we can make no promises about these provisions. The round-trip air transportation, God willing, may be all that we can hope to provide.)3) All payments will be placed in a secured account, and you will receive a copy of the proof of your deposit into that account.
(If the 101 Foundation should change management or suffer financial reversals, your funds will remain fully protected by the US banking system.)
4) In writing, you may obtain a 100% refund at any time up to 4 days prior to departure with no interest and no penalty fee.
(Any interests earned in this account will be used for contingency expenses such as the helicopters, buses, and also to send some clergy free of charge. If it is possible, we hope to supply those clergy members listed in our clergy fund, who wish to go, with a free flight. It depends on how much interest we can accumulate. If the warning and miracle happen soon, it may be very little.)
5) You may change names on the reservation form with no penalty up to 4 days prior to departure.
(We realize that some persons who plan to go now, for various reasons, may be unable to participate when the time comes. Therefore, the payment made may easily be used for another person, if it should become necessary.)
6) Be prepared in the following ways:
A) Have a valid passport.
B) Purchase a sleeping bag and water canteen.
C) Because of road congestion, realize that much walking may be necessary. If you are handicapped, you must be accompanied by someone who can take care of you. Conditions may be very harsh (but the "greatest miracle of all time" will be worth the struggle).7) If you have previously made a reservation with Fatima Travel, we have arranged to honor that commitment. Call for details.
God bless you. Please pray for the 101 Foundation.
Use our Pilgrimage Reservation Form