From November 29 to December 8 of 2013 was held a Mission to spread the Message of the apparitions of Our Lady of Mount Carmel of Garabandal in different cities and towns of Brazil, organized by the Catholic Apostolate “infusion of the holy spirit" based in the city of Uberlandia (Minas Gerais state).
For this mission event and with the permission of Bishop of Uberlandia D. Francisco Paulo Machado, were invited two missionaries: Rui Costa (Portugal Garabandal Apostolate) and Santiago Lanus (Argentina Apostolate of Garabandal).
Many meetings were held in different parishes accompanied by Priests who have welcomed to the missionaries with great generosity and attention.
The message of Garabandal was widespread especially in its most essential aspect, the protection and appreciation of the Holy Eucharist (REAL presence of Jesus) , the importance of the priesthood, the obedience to the Holy Church and the Maternal Love of the Blessed Virgin that wants ALL your children return closer to the Two Sacred Hearts .
Also, in the background, they spoke of the Garabandal prophecies, and on the work of Divine Mercy, that hold great hope for the future of the Church and the world.
The mission began on 28/11 in the Parish " Bom Jesus" of the city of Brasilia and the next day , the mission continued in the stadium UTC Uberlandia City , where developed with large numbers of faithful pilgrims and a three-day meeting with the theme " the Holy Spirit and the New Evangelization."
At that meeting, the apostolate of Garabandal (especially with the talk and informational video devotedly composed by Rui Costa) had the opportunity to express the story and the messages, and about the Maternal presence of the Blessed Virgin, that occurred in the village of San Sebastian of Garabandal between 1961 and 1965.
This meeting of "the Holy Spirit and the New Evangelization " culminated on 1/12 with Mass celebrated by the Bishop of Uberlandia and concelebrated by several priests .
We want to highlight the generosity and dedication that have stayed and those who have received the missionaries of Garabandal in different cities, especially the organizing group headed by Mrs. Marilda Ribeiro and his family, as well as the faithful, thanks to their selfless contributions have facilitated the visit of the missionaries.
And finally we want to especially thank the hospitality and generosity of the priests who received the missionaries in their parishes.
Here are the dates and locations were carried.
28/11 – Brasília, Distrito Federal, Capital de Brasil –Local: Salón de la Parroquia Bom Jesus –
29/11 – Uberlândia – Estado de Minas Gerais – Local – UTC
30/11 – Uberlândia – Encuentro en UTC
01/12 – Uberlândia –– Encuentro –– Santa Misa presidida por el Obispo de la Diocesis de Uberlândia, Dom Paulo Francisco Machado.
02/12 –Ituiutaba-MG – Parroquia São Benedito – Diocesis de Ituiutaba. Rosário meditado pela Legion de María y el Apostolado de Oración.
- Santa Misa de Misericordia presidida por el P. Eduardo dos Reis y concelebrada por P. Geraldo Simeão de Souza Cordeiro. Parroquia São Benedito Parroquia São Pedro e São Paulo, Diocese de Ituiutaba.
03/12 Uberlândia-MG, Santo Rosario dedicado a Nuestra Señora del Carmen de Garabandal. 19:30 Missa – Iglesia Matriz de la Parroquia Santa Mônica, Diocesis de Uberlândia – P. William Eurípedes Garcia.
04/12 – Monte Alegre de Minas-MG – 19:30h – Missa da Saúde – Presentacion del video y beso de la medalla besada por la Sma. Virgen en Garabandal. – Iglesia Matriz da la Paerroquia São Francisco das Chagas, Diocese de Uberlândia –
05/12 –Indianópolis-MG (antiga Aldeia de Santana) – 19:30h –Iglesia Matriz da Paróquia de Matriz Sant’Ana – P. Mozart Fernandes de Andrade
06/12– Araguari-MG –19:30h Iglesia Rainha da Paz, Paróquia São José Operário, Diocese de Uberlândia – P. Hélio Soares da Silva
07/12 –Rio de Janeiro, Capital do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – Colégio Nossa Senhora da Piedade, no bairro do Flamengo.
08/12 – Domingo – Solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepción de Nuestra Señora:
Belo Horizonte- Capital do Estado de Minas Gerais – Salão da Paróquia São João Evangelista, P. Gil Araújo.
Uberlândia-MG- almuerzo festivo el el salón de la Iglesia Matriz da Paróquia Santa Mônica.
19:30H – Santa Misa celebrada por el P. William Eurípedes Garcia en la Paróquia Santa Mônica – A continuación video sobre las apariciones y beso de la Medalla