Thursday, February 8, 2024




  Dear Divine Will Family,
I pray all are at peace with the happenings of Luisa and her writings.  If we are not at peace, then you know that God cannot continue His Life in your soul!  And His Life in your soul is so extremely precious to Him, let's never deny Him the gift of our little will to Him and the peace He needs to reign there!!   

We are having retreats and conferences!!  Yea!  The knowledge of the doctrine of Luisa continues to live and it always will!   

Our wonderful retreats in San Sebastian de Garabandal, May 14 - 21, 2024 are continuing and the May retreat we have some extraordinary speakers and teachers!!  Please get in touch with Totally Yours Pilgrimages who flyers are below to arrange to come.  You are welcome to stay at the Mary's House, this is the most beautiful retreat House that Guy Murphy built in honor of Our Heavenly Mother, or at the Divine Will Institute and Retreat Center (formally known as the House of Sanctification), as long as there are rooms available.  The speakers are phenomenal.  They are:

Mother Gabrielle Marie of the Benedictine Daughters of the Divine Will will be our keynote speaker.  We are so excited to have her!  What a gift from God and a true benefit for all the souls who will be there to learn from her! 

We will also have Fr. Robert Hurd, S. J. who will teach us about the St. Ignatius mediations.  These meditations are so important to our life in the Divine Will, so don't discount them.  We had a lady last year who was so disappointed that the entire retreat was not solely on Divine Will, but by the time the retreat had ended she came to me and thanked me over and over again for the teachings on St. Ignatius mediations.  She couldn't get over how much it helped her now when reading and mediating on Luisa's writings.  It made a "world of difference!"  Guy Murphy will be joining in on these lessons as well.  Guy is a fantastic teacher and will enhance any talks or teachings you are in.
And Michael O'Brian will be back!  What a joy he is!!  Michael will certainly keep the place clapping and jumping with such awesome spiritual songs of Our Lady and Our Lord!  He was so much fun last year, and you can feel the love he has for Our Lady in his songs!! 
I will be giving a talk or two, as God Wills it.  But mostly, I hope to be with everyone else learning more and more from the fabulous teachers and guides that we will enjoy at the retreat in San Sebastian de Garabandal, Spain....the village of Our Lady!!


Friday, February 2, 2024

Rare Video: Mari Loli, The Only Person to Know the Date of 'The Warning' Said This Will Happen First


When A Garabandal Seer Was Interviewed On The ‘Warning’