Conchita of Garabandal: "When communism comes again everything will happen."
This excerpt is taken from the German book by Albrecht Weber, Garabandal—Der Zeigefinger Gottes (Garabandal—The Finger of God):
Conchita told the author in 1965 when everything would be set in motion:
"When communism comes again everything will happen."
The author responded: "What do you mean by comes again?"
"Yes, when it newly comes again," she replied.
"Does that mean that communism will go away before that?"
"I don't know," she said in reply, "the Blessed Virgin simply said 'when communism comes again'."
It IS here again in full force!!!
ReplyDeleteYes it is!
ReplyDeleteHow to get some of the kissed objects? please help!
ReplyDeleteCelin, I've posted this information before: go to http://www.garabandal.us/home.html. They are the group that supplies the kissed objects!
ReplyDeleteGod bless+
Im praying for the bishops of Spain...If there is in fact a communist crisis before the warning and miracle, it would serve as a strong means of evidence to the current Bishop that the apparitions are of supernatural character. Im currently (2007-today 2011) in the process of writing a book on the apparitions of Garabandal in light of prophecies of Catholic saints and visionaries. In my book I mention that communism newly coming may be in reference to Russia, but it may also may be in reference other communist nations...Ironically many communist nations would not be the nations that they are today had it not been for the errors of Marxism. Its like Jesus Said to Sr. Lucia of Fatima: "they will repent and do it [consecrate Russia to the immaculate heart] but it will already be to late. Russia will already have spread her errors throughout the world...
ReplyDeleteI think that the communism our Lady is referring to is that of World Government. With global threats such as terrorism, "climate change", avarian flu, and financial derivatives, the international bankers and other interests (ie. Bilderberg etc) are pushing to have the UN become effectively the government of the world.
ReplyDeleteFor more information on how this is happening see, www.infowars.com or search and see Alex Jones' movie - Blueprint for global enslavement on www.youtube.com
Mari loli was a devout mother and wife and a beautiful person. We used to 'needle' at her at holiday get togethers, baby showers birthdays and weddings lol asking Qs and trying to get her to tell us when the warning was! She would just smile and never give in. My poor aunt! How everyone teased her! lol I can remebr as a child the family and friends asking for special favors/ prayers for her to pray for them etc, looking back now, I realize how humble and shy she was and how this must have caused her pain/anguish to be the center of attention, but she never complained. I never knew other people knew about her and the apparitions. I thought just our family did! How silly. It wasn't actually until I became an adult myself that I realized others had heard of Garabandal. She was such a lovely lady. kind and soft spoken, I wish I had spent more time with her, learned more from her...instead of questioning and wondering...I would have liked to learned her humility. Anyways, with the current US economy and current socialzsm agenda..I fear the time of the warning and miracle is near. Sorry to blab on, these past couple weeks my aunty loli has been on my mind alot. please pray for her children and my uncle frank, I couldnt imagine how much they must miss her kind smile and gentle hugs.
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous, I don't usually post unnamed comments but this was a very moving comment and I wish you would have signed who you are or at least initial the comment. I don't fear the Warning and Miracle but pray for these events to happen soon so that all will love Jesus and Mary and we will have an "era of peace" as Our Lady prophesied! Mari Loli is in my daily prayers too.
DeleteDeacon John, I was trying to speak with you privately by emailing your google account, but I guess this will do in as private as it will get. I had the warning in December of 1999. I believe there are other like me out there, but apparently you don't know any, otherwise you could speak of them and would not be looking for Anonymous to sign his/her name. My warning took place in 1999 lasted 27 minutes. I was permitted to look at the clock before it began and when it ended. I will go through it again, this I know, but I will be ready for it. The things that my family experiences all the way down to my kids are beyond life experiences. I see how we are getting closer, and I have really searched for an answer as to "how long" before the warning will take place. I read books on special people and right now I am finishing The Life Story of Jesus by Venerable Anne Catherine Emmerich and the book on Luisa Piccarreta. The books that Luisa Piccarreta wrote has given me my best guess. In Jan of 1919, Jesus told Luisa that a great chastisement is going to come. I think that is a 100 year conditional chastisement. So I believe that the warning will come before then. Mari Loli said that the warning will come just after when the synod of Bishops meet in an interview. The synod of Bishops meet in October. So I think the warning will happen in November in one of the years before 2019. Of course this is a guess, but if you knew what was happening in my life all the way down to my kids and my wife who is Jewish and converted to Catholicism, it would show how much of a sense of humor GOD has. Joke: You want to make GOD laugh. Tell HIM your plans....:-)
ReplyDeleteChina, North Korea are getting stronger economically and militarily. Could this be the one Conchita is referring to? And remember Russia always sides with China. Could China, North Korea and Russia be the new Axis of Evil that will bring rise to communism in our time? If these Atheists would rule the world, God has no reason to save it from destruction. It's up to us believers to decide which side we are on.