At the spot of the "rock of St. Michael," certain overzealous "promoters of Garabandal," were setting out to build a chapel "prematurely" in honor of the Archangel. They were acting on the faith of "false revelations" in the previous month of August, made to a fraudulent visionary, supposedly a mystic . . .
In the evening of the Feast of St. Michael, Conchita, preferring not to join this group in prayer, rather climbed up to the Pines with a few other persons. While the visionary and her friends knelt down in prayer, a star rose and remained above them during their whole prayer!
[Excerpt from 'Garabandal' Book, page 214]
Yes, we can be led astray by certain "mystics" who think they are receiving messages from God or Our Lady. But as St. Paul said "test everything." Conchita did the right thing and was rewarded with a sign from God (the star) for her faith. Many people receive signs like this. I have too! They are called "signal graces" to let us know God is hearing your prayer. It may not be answered as you want it to be, because God knows everything and some things are not good for us and our salvation, but at least you know He is listening.
Roman Deacon
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