Great worshiper of Jesus in the Eucharist and exceptional Marian soul, Fr. Pel was a fervent "apostolic missionary" traveling everywhere mainly in France, and as far as the Holy Land.
During his only visit to San Sebastian de Garabandal, on June 18, 1965, he spent the morning in the village church, praying and hearing confessions. At the time of the apparition of the Angel to Conchita, Fr. Pel. left behind the crowd because of his advanced age, suddenly found himself inexplicably "transported" to only four and a half feet away from the visionary. We must also note that the priest knew before anybody else the hour of the ecstasy (11:40 p.m.) . . .
A much more detailed account of the unusual relationship of Fr. Pel with Garabandal will be published later . . .
[From 'Garabandal' Book, page 225-226]
Again, I never heard of Fr. Pel until I read this book. There's more to tell about him, the author says, but unfortunately the next volume has not been published as of yet. One thing of note is that "transported" story. Many saints had the gift of being transported.
The Scriptures tell of St. Philip the deacon, who was transported here and there preaching and baptizing (see Acts 8:39-40). And how about Our Lady's house, the Holy House of Loreto, the house in which Mary was born, and where the Annunciation occurred, and to an ancient statue of Our Lady which is found there. Tradition says that a band of angels scooped up the little house from the Holy Land, and transported it first to Tersato, Dalmatia in 1291, Reananti in 1294, and finally to Loreto, Italy where it has been for centuries. It was this flight that led to her patronage of people involved in aviation, and the long life of the house that has led to the patronage of builders, construction workers, etc. It is the first shrine of international renown dedicated to the Blessed Virgin, and has been known as a Marian center for centuries. Popes have always held the Shrine of Loreto in special esteem, and it is under their direct authority and protection.
How about That!
If I'm missing in action, hopefully I was "transported" to Heaven, so don't bother looking for me!
Roman Deacon
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