Less than two weeks after the certainly "ill-inspired" episode of building the "chapel in honor of the Archangel St. Michael," there was a pseudo-bi location of Padre Pio right in Aniceta's home! Conchita quickly discerned the fraudulent character of this manifestation . . .
Throughout the period of the apparitions and the locutions at San Sebastian de Garabandal, there never occurred anything that was intrinsically linked to the "Evil One." That came later and only on a few occasions, when the authentic phenomena had ceased completely. These disturbing false interventions nevertheless 'helped' to project a certain discredit on Garabandal. Paradoxically, even providentially, they would in reality help to protect this great Marian Apparition from such "a noise from the Evil One" (Dr. Ricardo Puncernau, Letter of May 21, 1984 to fr. R. Francois Turner). This is also what Msgr. del Val Gallo was to understand throughout his episcopate (1971-1981). This undoubtedly also explains his constant efforts not to mix Garabandal with any particular one, whatever it may be, of the countless other "supposedly, indeed false contemporary apparitions and mystics" (except in the special cases of authentic "figures of holiness," either those already acknowledged as such by the Church, or on the way to be).
[From 'Garabandal' Book, page 215]
Kinda creepy stuff. Imagine the devil appearing as Padre Pio! But this is nothing new. St. Paul warned about false apparitions in his Epistles and over the years at other approved apparitions like Lourdes and Fatima the "Evil One" appeared to scare the visionaries, but the Blessed Mother always protected the seers and chased "ole red legs" away! So remember, the next time you have a vision, throw some holy water on It to see if it's from God or you know who! I'd rather not have any visions, thank you! Pleasant dreams . . .
Roman Deacon
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