"Did the Blessed Virgin tell you WHY She appeared to you under the title (and form) of Our Lady of Mount Carmel?" -- "No, Father, She didn't." (Conchita, answering, in 1968, to Fr. Alfred Combe).
"The Blessed Virgin warned us ("nos ha avisado"): with this one (Garabandal), three times She did ("son tres veces": Fatima, Lourdes and, of course, Garabandal) . . ." (from Conchita's many couplets sung, in ecstasy,, March 25, 1962: see post on that date).
"(. . .) The Aviso (Warning) will be a purification, (a) preparation for the Miracle (. . .)" (Conchita, to Sr. Maria Nieves, in Burgos, on November 1, 1966), "so that the world comply with the Message," as the seers would go repeating very often.
"Before the future events (of "D" day), a SYNOD will take place." (from a handwritten letter of Conchita, in Fr. Laffineur's Archives).
"(. . .) She (Conchita) told us that (, , ,) 'before the Miracle, but the very same day, there will be a very great event in the Church, and very good for Her, (and) that there had been another one, similar, before she was born' (. . .)" (Carmen Cavestany -- she with Dr. Jean Caux had spent more than fifteen days, in August 1963, in Garabandal, with Conchita --, report sent to Fr. Ramon Maria Andreu, 1963; idem: Conchita, Interview, February 7, 1974.)
"(. . .) She (the Blessed Virgin of Mount Carmel) has also said: 'The separated (Churches or Christians) will be reunited'. There will be, then, only one (Christian) religion. --Are you sure of that? replied Aniceta (Conchita's mother). --Yes, was the clear and firm answer of Conchita (. . .)." (Albrecht Weber, German editor, present in Garabandal, on November 13-14, 1965, where he could interview and talk freely with Conchita, other persons, among them Aniceta, being also present).
"Yes, in one of Her apparitions, the Blessed Virgin (of Mount Carmel) said that 'the Church will recognize Garabandal' (. . .)" (Conchita to A. Weber, as reported in his book, Garabandal, Der Zeigefinger Gottes, 2000).
"Dear little girls, today, the White Lady (the Most Blessed Virgin Mary) talked to me about your apparitions. She (also) told me to tell you that 'I will be with you until the end of (the) times, then you will be with me until the end of the world and, last, reunited with me in (the) glory of Paradise' (. . .)." (Blessed Padre Pio, letter to the little seers, received by Conchita, March 3, 1962, in Garabandal).
"In the end (por fim), the Holy Father (and all the Bishops with him, ibid.) will consecrate to My Immaculate Heart Russia, which will be saved through that means, and also be converted, and thereafter the world will have PEACE for some period of time (por algum tempo) . . ." (Our Lady of the Rosary to Sr. Lucia (Fatima)., July 13, 1917 and June 13, 1929).
"Humankind will not find PEACE as long as it will not turn itself, with confidence, towards My (Divine) Mercy." (Our Lord to Saint Faustina Kowalska, in 1934, Little Diary n. 300; idem. n. 699, Sept. 24, 1936).
[From 'Garabandal' Book, page 251]
Wow! Where to begin. There is so much info here and it needs to be sorted out and reread so as to absorb it all . . . Basically, as I said before, Garabandal is a continuation of Fatima with a link to Lourdes, remembering St. Bernadette crying out "Penance, penance, penance!" She was repeating what Our Lady said to her during one of the apparitions.
I believe also that Our Lady's last appearance to Bernadette was on July 16, which is the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Then at Fatima, at the last apparition on October 13, 1917, Our Lady appeared as Our Lady of Mount Carmel, holding out the Brown Scapular to the world. And finally, when Mary appeared at Garabandal, it was as Our Lady of Mount Carmel, wearing the Brown Scapular on Her wrist! Could the connection get any plainer?
Before the Future events take place a SYNOD or great event in the Church will take place. Could that be the proclamation of the final dogma for Our lady under the title of Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix of all Graces and Advocate? Many people, including myself, have petitioned Rome and prayed for this to happen!
The Churches will reunite! This is also a dream and hope that we and Our Holy father Pope Benedict pray for. He's trying very hard to unite the Orthodox Church with us, but I believe the Miracle will make it happen, and not only the Orthodox, but all the protestant churches too! What a great day that will be! And of course Garabandal will be approved and will become a great Marian Pilgrimage Holy Shrine!
More to come . . .
Roman Deacon