A crowd of seventy thousand was present at the "Miracle of the Sun" at Fatima, on October 13, 1917. The Blessed Virgin was appearing for the fourth and last time, on that same day in 1917, to the young visionaries of the Cova da Iria, . . . under the title of 'Our Lady of Mount Carmel'.
At Garabandal, on this "October 13," there occurred a mysterious cosmic phenomenon, the only one of which the Blessed Virgin refused to explain the nature or the reason, to the girls! Conchita and Loli, in ecstasy, saw, as it were, a dazzling star, not a comet, "nothing of that kind," said Don Valentin, who, at least in part, had witnessed the event, as had other people there. Kind of a preview of the prophetic worldwide AVISO?
[Excerpted from 'Garabandal' Book, page 107]
[Excerpted from 'Garabandal' Book, page 107]
A few interesting facts come to my mind from this excerpt:
1. The writer says that Our Lady appeared four times at Fatima . . . Well, we all know that's wrong. Mother Mary appeared once a month from May till October, so there were more than four appearances.
2. During the "Miracle of the Sun", Lucia saw a few different visions in the sky and the last one was of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, holding out the Brown Scapular to the world. Before I had heard of Garabandal, I had read the book 'Our Lady of Fatima' by Thomas Walsh, and this fact about Our Lady of Mt. Carmel had stuck in my mind, so when I finally read some leaflets and books about Garabandal, I immediately connected the two together saying to myself, "Garabandal is a continuation of Fatima!" I Believed!
Roman Deacon
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