Monday, May 19, 2014

Memoirs of a Spanish Country Priest (Introduction)

(Visits to Garabandal from 1961 to 1968)
FATHER JOSÉ RAMÓN GARCÍA DE LA RIVATranslated from the French and Spanish
Recollections from approximately 200 Apparitions of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and
St. Michael the Archangel which I witnessed at San Sebastián de Garabandal
N.B. At the request of the Holy See, this book in its first edition in the French language, was sent by the author in May, 1971, to the Archbishop of Oviedo to be forwarded to the Nonciature at Madrid and from there to the Sacred Congregation for the
Doctrine of the Faith.
With all the love of a Spanish priest for his friends of the English language.
Also with the desire that the events of Garabandal be made known.
Signed, José R. de la Riva
Barro, June 18th, 1980

We thank Father José Ramón for the kind authorization he has given us,
signed on June 18th, 1980 (the anniversary of the first apparition of St. Michael)
to translate his book Memorias into English.
St. Joseph Foundation of Los Angeles


Profession of Catholic faith
I make no pretense of substituting myself for our Holy Mother, the Catholic Church. Everything that I report here, I offer with filial submission to her judgment, and I submit myself in advance to her final decision.
Father José Ramón García de la Riva
Pastor of the parish of Our Lady of Sorrows
Barro (Llanes), Asturias, Spain
* * *
We state here that we have not found any reason for ecclesiastical censure with regard to condemning either the doctrine or the spiritual recommendations that have been promulgated because of the events of Garabandal in so far as they are directed to faithful Christians. On the contrary, they contain exhortations to prayer and sacrifice, to Eucharistic worship, to devotion to Our Lady under traditional praiseworthy forms, and to the holy fear of God offended by our sins. They simply repeat ordinary Church doctrine in these matters. We recognize the good faith and religious fervor of the persons who go up to San Sebastian de Garabandal, and who merit the greatest respect.
Santander, July 8, 1965
Apostolic Bishop,
Administrator of Santander

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