1. Today, June 18, 2011, marks the 50th Anniversary of the Apparition of St. Michael the Archangel at the village of San Sebastian de Garabandal. He appeared to the four young girls 10 times to prepare the way for the visitation of the Queen of Heaven on July 2, 1961, which at that time the Church celebrated the Feast of the Visitation. She came dressed as Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, holding the Baby Jesus in her arms. She would make another 2000 visits until November 13, 1965. I have written about this very great drama and the mission of Our Lady to spare the souls of so many of her very wayward children, who are running rapidly along the road to eternal perdition. But She has also obtained the permission of God to remind us of the means to save ourselves and for Him to give us extraordinary, divine interventions, when things have arrived at their worst. These interventions will dispose many, many of those living at that time to welcome the knowledge of the Kingdom of the Divine Will, so that those fortunate souls in all parts of the earth will beg for the Father's Will to reign in their souls, thus fulfilling the Prayer that Jesus taught us, which is to fulfill God's purpose in the creation of mankind. This will bring a marvelous and most happy new era into the history of mankind—an era void of all evil as we ask in the last petition of the Lord's Prayer.
2. "But at that time shall Michael rise up, the great prince,
who standeth for the children of thy people: and a time
shall come such as never was from the time that nations
began even until that time. And at that time shall thy
people be saved, every one that shall be found written in
the book." (Prophecy of Daniel, Chapter 12, verse 1)
who standeth for the children of thy people: and a time
shall come such as never was from the time that nations
began even until that time. And at that time shall thy
people be saved, every one that shall be found written in
the book." (Prophecy of Daniel, Chapter 12, verse 1)
In honor of St. Michael, who appeared at San Sebastian de Garabandal, some missionary Priests who study Luisa's writings and are stationed in Korea, have asked me to share with you a simple Novena beginning on June 23, 2011 and ending on July 1, 2011, in preparation for making a consecration to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel de Garabandal on the 50th anniversary of her first appearance there on July 2.
The simple novena is to say the "Holy Holy Queen" prayer which people usually say at the end of the Rosary. This lovely prayer is to be said on the days of June 23 -July 1. The Priests gave no instructions for making the consecration to Our Lady on July 2, but left that up to our own discretion. They mentioned that the idea of consecrating ourselves to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel de Garabandal came from St. Padre Pio, when he was still alive.
3. I want to thank those of you who responded to our request for some economic support in the last Letters of Gold.
4. We had a very good, nine-day Divine Will retreat at the House of Sanctification at Garabandal in the latter part of April this year, with some beautiful graces that Our Lady dispensed during that retreat. After the retreat, Ann Ellison and Felicia Murray stayed for several weeks accomplishing many chores and seeing to the maintenance of the House, including hiring a painter to paint the considerable woodwork, and another contractor to renew the general landscape. They also had our little car, which we obtained in 2002, repaired, given maintenance and inspected by the Cantabrian authorities. Plus a whole lot more. The painting, landscaping renewal, car expenses, insurance on the car and the House amount to a few thousand dollars in expenses.
The House of Sanctification opened in 2000 and has been a place of great diffusion of the knowledge of the Kingdom of the Divine Will, and it is our purpose that it will be a place of extraordinary diffusion of this knowledge in the future, after the Warning and the Great Miracle in which we will see the Glory of God, followed by the conversion of Russia and many other nations. Our Lady at Garabandal also said that there will come the much longed-for Unification of the Churches and various non-Catholic Confessions into the Catholic Church. So you can see that following the Great Miracle of Garabandal there will be a tremendous evangelization on behalf of Church and the Gospel, and also a tremendous evangelization for the Reign of the Divine Will on earth as in Heaven.
Therefore, it is reasonable for us to keep up the maintainence of the House of Sanctification and pay the necessary taxes and other expenses for that coming Glorious time with God Himself intervenes is such an extraordinary way to redirect the present ways mankind in preparation for the Glorious Reign of the Divine Will.
5. People are already contacting us about attending a retreat at the House of Sanctification next year. We really don't know for sure if there will be one next year. We can only tentatively make plans due to the rapidly changing world conditions. We probably won't be able to commit to a retreat there until next January-February time period. Tentatively, we are considering mid-March 2012, but as I said, such plans are only tentative at this time.
6. We have also has inquiries as to whether or not we will have our regular, annual Divine Will Conference this year. for a variety of reasons we have not commited to such a Conference yet. It seems that we will know by July 15, if we will. In my last Letters of Gold, I brought up the idea that it would be good if some of the Readers of Letters of Gold might be willing to undertake the general responsibility for such a Conference this year and we would provide the speakers.
7. The Center for the Divine Will will be closed from June 23 - June 30. I ask your prayers for me during that time, as I have something to do, which requires the spiritual support of our brothers and sisters in the Divine Will.
May God draw all of us more rapidly and deeply into the Divine Life of the Father's Will,
Thomas Fahy, President
The Luisa Picarreta Center for the Divine Will, Inc.
Note: Correspondence to our tax-exempt organization can be addressed simply to:
Center for the Divine Will
P.O. Box 340
Caryville, TN 37714
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