Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
At the end of this bulletin there is something very grave to take seriously to heart.
News and Commentary:
1. Mary Loli, who knew the year of the coming Warning, died on April 18 after long years of suffering from lupus.
2. Our John Paul II Institute of Christian Spirituality conducted a wonderful Retreat at the House of Sanctification in Garabandal. The Retreat was predominately on the Reign of the Divine Will in souls. Present were Priests, nuns, laity from Australia, Korea, Canada and the USA.
3. The mysterious words of Our Lady of Garabandal about the "end of the times" has often been a topic of discussion. Over the years some thoughts have come to mind such as: "The end of an era," "The end of our times that we have been accustomed to," "The language of the Bible: 'a time, a times, and half a time' being accomodated to a 'time' equaling 2000 years, which might relate to what Jesus told Luisa Piccarreta about how God renews the world every 2000 years—the Deluge, the Redemption, and now the developing Reign of the Divine Will. The Bible's 'time, a times, and a half a time' might be rendered as 2000 years from Adam to the Flood + 2000 more years to Redemption + another 2000 years to now, and then 1000 years from now to the end of the world.
However, a friend just recently pointed out to me that the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 21, verse 24 and its contextual verses, speaks about the 'times of the nations" being fulfilled. The friend mused that the coming Great Tribulation of Communism led by a highly nationalistic Russia just might bring about a situation that is the beginning of the end of the "times of the nations." The later Chastisement that will come directly from God seems that it would definitely bring about not only the "end of the times, "which seems also to bring the end of the "times of the nations." Then, those who survive to live in the Reign of the Divine Will very likely will just live upon this beautiful planet without any "nations."
But, we all know that these mysterious predictions almost always are fulfilled in unexpected and surprising ways which God has known from all Eternity—and which can seem so reasonable after they have taken place.
4. We have had a lot of new subscribers to the Garabandal Info since the last report, so, to make things easy, I am attaching again the "Significant Points of Garabandal" report that most of you have already received a number of times by these emails.
5. Now, the very grave things that we must acknowledge, even if we would prefer not to:
a. At a day of sharing the teachings of Luisa last Saturday near Crossville, TN, one of the men told me that he had underlined a passage in a book on Fatima in which Jacinta told of Our Lady's sorrow that most people of these times will perish (i.e. go to Hell). I am waiting for the exact quote and reference, which I can send to you later.
b. Mary Loli of Garabandal told of the great sorrow of Our Lady when She told her that "few will see God."
c. Jesus told Luisa Piccarreta that for God's third renewal of the world (mentioned in #3 above) to be accomplished, that He would have to purge the earth and that a large part of the present generation would have to be destroyed. (Vol. 12 -January 29,1919)
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Brothers and Sisters: This is not only a most grave matter, but one of Catastophic Proportions regarding souls who will be screaming in the Fires of Hell for all Eternity. (Remember the Vision of Hell that Our Lady of Fatima showed the three children
Image by Torley via Flickr on July 13, 1917).
Therefore, please don't be complacent about yourself and your fellow pilgrims here on earth—your children, your relatives, your neighbors, etc. Pray sincerely to the Supreme Being for the Wisdom and Fortitude to influence souls to turn back to God, whole heartedly. And quit wasting time with silly things and useless conversations.
Respectfully yours, in the Adorable Will of God,
Thomas Fahy
Significant Points of the Great Drama of Garabandal
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