Premier tonight at 7:00 pm
Dear Divine Will Family,
I received this message from David Russell, the Director of the Foreign Assets for the Center for the Divine Will. He and his wife, Gloria, will be running the House of Sanctification. His information is below this email! This is a very important film for everyone to see.
Our Lady of Garabandal appeared over 2000 times in this tiny mountain village and gave us step by step what the future holds for all mankind. She appeared from 1961 - 1965 to four young girls, 11- 12 years old. The village was so remote back then that the only way to the village was by way of a donkey. It is also believed that Our Lady of Garabandal gave us the Third Secret of Fatima. It is better known now, but few knew eariler that back during the Miracle of the Sun in Fatima, Our Lady appeared to the children dressed in the brown of Our Lady of Carmel, holding the baby, Jesus, and said to the children, "So long until San Sebastian." That is documented in a early book written about Fatima, I believe in 1934.
In the letter from Lucia dictated by Our lady to the Pope at the time, Pope John XXIII, it said to open and make known the contents in 1960. When the Pope open and read the letter, he thought it better not to tell the people. So, Our Lady came to San Sebastian de Garabandal in 1961, and, we believe, told the Third Secret then. San Sebastian is the name of the tiny village, but Garabandal describes where it is located.
We have a booklet called, "Truths About the Events and Prophecies of Garabandal." There's tons of information in it that explains the events and how we know from the Catholic Encyclopedia, that the events were supernatural and true! Just call Kathy at 423-566-5178, or go on our website,, and you can get the booklet for a small donation.
Anyway, please don't miss seeing the new movie on this very important event. Our Lady, who knows God's plans for our future and wants us to know it as well, and understand it! Get the booklet and you will know, too!
We love you all very much and we only want you to understand what is coming and to prepare yourselves for whatever God has planned for us. Mark Mallett and Daniel O'Connor are doing a great job explaining the seals, but combined with the messages and prophecies of Our Lady of Garabandal, we can understand a lot more about the future!
May God protect and keep you all safely in His Divine Will and in the Two Hearts made One!
Ann Ellison
I received this message from David Russell, the Director of the Foreign Assets for the Center for the Divine Will. He and his wife, Gloria, will be running the House of Sanctification. His information is below this email! This is a very important film for everyone to see.
Our Lady of Garabandal appeared over 2000 times in this tiny mountain village and gave us step by step what the future holds for all mankind. She appeared from 1961 - 1965 to four young girls, 11- 12 years old. The village was so remote back then that the only way to the village was by way of a donkey. It is also believed that Our Lady of Garabandal gave us the Third Secret of Fatima. It is better known now, but few knew eariler that back during the Miracle of the Sun in Fatima, Our Lady appeared to the children dressed in the brown of Our Lady of Carmel, holding the baby, Jesus, and said to the children, "So long until San Sebastian." That is documented in a early book written about Fatima, I believe in 1934.
In the letter from Lucia dictated by Our lady to the Pope at the time, Pope John XXIII, it said to open and make known the contents in 1960. When the Pope open and read the letter, he thought it better not to tell the people. So, Our Lady came to San Sebastian de Garabandal in 1961, and, we believe, told the Third Secret then. San Sebastian is the name of the tiny village, but Garabandal describes where it is located.
We have a booklet called, "Truths About the Events and Prophecies of Garabandal." There's tons of information in it that explains the events and how we know from the Catholic Encyclopedia, that the events were supernatural and true! Just call Kathy at 423-566-5178, or go on our website,, and you can get the booklet for a small donation.
Anyway, please don't miss seeing the new movie on this very important event. Our Lady, who knows God's plans for our future and wants us to know it as well, and understand it! Get the booklet and you will know, too!
We love you all very much and we only want you to understand what is coming and to prepare yourselves for whatever God has planned for us. Mark Mallett and Daniel O'Connor are doing a great job explaining the seals, but combined with the messages and prophecies of Our Lady of Garabandal, we can understand a lot more about the future!
May God protect and keep you all safely in His Divine Will and in the Two Hearts made One!
Ann Ellison
David RussellDear Friends:Tomorrow, (tonight) July 2, 2020 we celebrate the 59th anniversary of the first apparition of the Virgin Mary in San Sebastián de Garabandal, and we will be celebrating with the premiere of the new documentary Garabandal, Unstoppable Waterfall. The premiere will take place at 7:00pm(EST/GMT-5) and can be accessed via the following link: This past June 18, the original Spanish version of the documentary premiered and in less than two weeks it has already been seen by over 500,000 viewers.For the documentary, Mater Spei AIE interviewed a select group of experts and eyewitnesses of the apparitions. We especially recognize the contribution of Father José Luis Saavedra, author of the first doctoral thesis on Garabandal, who in the documentary Garabandal, Unstoppable Waterfall affirms unequivocally that “the apparitions were not studied at any moment.”This statement is not to be taken lightly. It is the conclusion reached after a rigorous investigation seeking the truth about what really happened at Garabandal, an investigation that has produced this documentary. If Garabandal, Only God Knows demonstrated that the first episcopal commission did not carry out an authentic study of Garabandal, this new production offers unpublished and surprising facts about the second commission, thus proving that the apparitions of the Virgin in Garabandal have yet to be studied. That is why Father Saavedra is able to affirm that “over fifty years after the apparitions, Garabandal still awaits a response. We have a right to know what happened there.”In 1992, Cardinal Ratzinger, then Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, suggested to the Diocese of Santander that the case be left open via a non constat ruling. Rome did not find sufficient arguments to pronounce a definitive judgment. Given the difficulty found in studying the apparitions, often hindered by so many obstacles, no further solution has been put forward. Since then, the apparitions were left open to the interpretation of the faithful under the guidance of the sensus fidelium. That is why the attitude of the faithful may be fundamental in reaching a favorable judgment from the Church.What is true is that Garabandal continues to have a very important message for all of us. Despite our reluctance and all the difficulties, Our Mother continues to pour out her blessings in Garabandal because she has committed herself to us in Garabandal in this crucial hour.Please share the following link with all your contacts so they don’t miss out on the premiere of Garabandal, Unstoppable Waterfall: s Don’t miss the premiere! We recommend that you subscribe to our YouTube channel.You can also follow us and share our publications on Facebook at:or via WhatsApp For more information, consult the official website: May Our Heavenly Mother bless you!Mater Spei Communications Office, producer of Garabandal, Only God Knows and Garabandal, Unstoppable Waterfall.
Our mailing address is:
The Luisa Piccarreta Center for the Divine Will
PO Box 415
Jacksboro, TN 37757