Monday, December 19, 2016

Message from Thomas Fahy (New Statue)

Dear Readers,
I am writing from Spain and want to bring you up to date concerning
why I haven´t written much in the last three months, and about the Statue of Our Lady
for the Grotto at the House of the Divine Will in Garabandal.
Just a few days ago we finally got Internet service after a long wait.
The Statue of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel de Garabandal arrived, after many delays,
on November 18, 2016.  I couldn´t help but notice the date, due to the number 18
being significant to the Apparitions of Garabandal in the 1960´s.
The two formal messages for the whole world were given on the 18th of the months in
which they were given: October 18, 1961 and June 18, 1965.  There were many other
things made known at Garabandal in addition to the two formal messages.
See the attached picture of the Statue that many of you supported. It will be placed in the
grotto in front of the building after the stone "surround" is completed to protect it.