A Kiss and a Promise from the Virgin Mary at Garabandal

Our Lady told Conchita on November 13th, 1965.
"Through the kiss I have bestowed on these objects my Son will perform miracles and prodigies".
Our Lady told Conchita on November 13th, 1965.
"Through the kiss I have bestowed on these objects my Son will perform miracles and prodigies".
We have been asked many times "how do we know that the relics we say contain a piece of the missal kissed by the Virgin at Garabandal are genuine?" |
Margarita Huerta, who was present at Garabandal at the time of the apparitions, was greatly moved by Our Lady’s promise to the visionaries that through kissed objects many miracles and prodigies would be performed. Since 1968, her apostolate has been to trace and acquire Missals kissed by the Blessed Mother during the ecstasies and for almost twelve years, Margarita has been responsible for organizing the production of medals containing these Missal relics. Her untiring efforts have made it possible for Garabandalists throughout the world to receive medals containing kissed relics.
Dear Joey,I was so pleased to receive your kind letter containing your questions referring to the Missals kissed by the Virgin Mary at San Sebastian de Garabandal during the time of the apparitions. I am answering you by means of this Open Letter so that the information you seek may reach around the world to all readers of your Garabandal magazine which you publish for the purpose of making known the Messages given to the visionaries by Our Lady at Garabandal.
Question: How did you acquire the Missals kissed by Our Blessed Mother?
Answer: I acquired the first Missal in 1968 at the end of the summer. One evening, when in Garabandal, I visited the home of Ceferino Mazon. While with his family in the kitchen, I suddenly had an idea. I asked Mari Loli, Ceferino’s daughter and one of the visionaries, if she had a book or Missal that had been kissed by the Virgin Mary during an ecstasy. She answered yes, that she had several and that they were in the garret. I asked her if she would kindly give me one and was overjoyed when she said, “Yes.” Her immediate response delighted me as I had to leave for home early the next morning and wanted to take the Missal with me.
Ceferino lit a lantern (for there was no electric light in the garret and it was totally dark and led the way with myself and Mari Loli following. For a considerable time they looked among papers and other things that were on the garret floor, but in spite of their search they did not find a book or Missal. Finally Ceferino said, “Well, let us go, but do not worry, I give you my word that when they come to hand, the first one will be for you.” On my next trip to Garabandal, to my delight, Mari Loli handed me her small child’s Missal of some 800 pages.
Some years later I was in Comillas, visiting Fr Lucio Rodrigo. I had been sending him medals and Rosaries for distribution among his many visitors and he said, “Because you are doing so much work with the medals and Rosaries, work which I consider most admirable, I want you to have half of this book kissed by the Blessed Mother at Garabandal. The book was given to me by Marichu Herrero, a good friend who lives in Madrid, a great worker, and a witness to ecstasies of the seers in 1961 and 1962. Marichu said she has given the other half of the book to Fr Laffineur”. This book had been given by Mari Loli to Marichu Herrero and it was the half given to me by Fr Rodrigo that became my second Missal.
I don’t remember exactly the date I received the third Missal. It was given to me by Jacinta and she herself was unable to recall the date or the year. But one day when, with her husband, Jeff, she visited me at my home, I showed her your letter, Joey, which I had received only the day before – the letter in which you mentioned your interest in finding out all the details about the books kissed by the Blessed Mother at Garabandal.
Finally, I acquired the fourth large Missal from a lady in Garabandal. I am unable to remember the exact date, but it must have been four or five years ago. This woman (one of the villagers) has asked to remain anonymous but, if any priest or worker for Our Lady coming to Garabandal would like to meet her, I will be glad to take them to her and she will explain everything about the Missal. There will be no doubt left about its having been kissed by the Most Holy Virgin.
I consider it providential to have received this fourth Missal for I do not think there are any more books or Missals left in the village which were kissed by the Virgin Mary. This is my personal belief as I have not specifically asked around the village.
Question: How long have you been doing this work?
Answer: I started at the end of September, 1968.
Question: How many and which countries receive your medals?
Answer: The first shipments of medals were made to various provinces in Spain, but when visitors to Garabandal heard about my project th
ey requested shipments overseas. Among the first was your Long Island Center in New York and you continue to place orders in large quantities. In fact, Joey, your orders are more than all the centers of the world combined. Later I started to receive orders from Latin America, particularly Argentina and Uruguay. Then came requests from Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Canada, several states of the U.S., Asia, Taiwan, and although shipments are prohibited to Sri Lanka, a gentleman came by and took some there.
I also ship to the Philippines and Africa, to missionaries and religious there, to Upper Volta, Kingdom of Burundi and Madagascar that I can remember. In Ireland, which is second in quantity to yours, Joey, there unfolds an admirable Marian apostolate headed by Dick Stanley. In Europe I ship to England, France, Germany, Switzerland, Holland, Belgium and Italy.

Subsequent to the International Marian Congress on Garabandal celebrated in Lourdes in the summer of 1978, and thanks to the apostolate of Fr Benac, S.J. (who has been in India for about 40 years and who has disseminated the Messages of Our Lady at Garabandal throughout a great part of Asia), I have made shipments to India, Vietnam, Egypt, Upper Volta once again, and various other countries. Nowadays, however, with the exception of your Long Island Center and some private orders from the U.S., the demand for my medals has dwindled somewhat. They are readily obtainable in Garabandal as well as Rosaries containing the relic.
Subsequent to the International Marian Congress on Garabandal celebrated in Lourdes in the summer of 1978, and thanks to the apostolate of Fr Benac, S.J. (who has been in India for about 40 years and who has disseminated the Messages of Our Lady at Garabandal throughout a great part of Asia), I have made shipments to India, Vietnam, Egypt, Upper Volta once again, and various other countries. Nowadays, however, with the exception of your Long Island Center and some private orders from the U.S., the demand for my medals has dwindled somewhat. They are readily obtainable in Garabandal as well as Rosaries containing the relic.
Question: Up to now, how many medals have you distributed?
Answer: I have no idea, I cannot even make a calculated guess. I might be able to ask those who have handled part of the process or possibly get a total quantity from Milan where they are made, but for the time being this answer will have to be pending.
Question: Do you plan to continue this work?
Answer: About a year and a half ago I began to encounter difficulties. Some countries started to impose duty which had not been payable previously. Other countries banned the shipment of medals entirely, and it was up to Garabandalists who visited Spain to take them back personally. On another occasion I received an order for a mother of pearl rosary from Argentina, the cost of which was 300 pesetas. After a three hour harangue with the customs, it was finally allowed into the country but at a cost of 500 pese
Eventually, I became weary trying to cope with the increasing obstacles and difficulties connected with my shipments and was tempted to stop this work. But upon receiving several letters among which was yours Joey, asking me to please continue and pointing out the miracles obtained through the medals, the instant healings that men of science have not been able to explain, and the conversions, all of which are taking place in different countries of the world, I felt greatly encouraged and I promise you I will go on.
I would like to use this occasion to let you know something important for the satisfaction of everyone: I still have one complete Missal and quite a bit of another, so I will be able to continue to order medals and Marias. Also, I have been assured that they are now using a very good enamel on the relic which will protect it longer from wear and tear and prolong its life.
I trust this answers your questions satisfactorily and that it will please all those who are interested in the story of the Missals and apostolate. I shall keep you in my prayers and shall ask the Blessed Mother to help you, that you may emerge victorious in the work of your apostolate in spreading the Message of Garabandal to all humanity.
United always in prayer,

Margarita Huerta
United always in prayer,
Margarita Huerta