The sixth child of a family of simple farmers of the Drome (France), Marthe, Servant of God (1991), was twenty-three years old when she wrote, in her own handwriting, her complete Consecration as a "victim of Love" . . . Today, her name, like those of Blessed Padre Pio and Blessed Madre Maravillas, shine in the firmament of the Church of God.
At the origin of the Foundation of the Homes of Charity, Marthe was chosen by the Lord to live His Passion "the most completely after My Mother," He revealed to her in 1933 . . . He even added, "no one in the Church will ever have lived IT as completely as you will!"
Paralyzed since the age of twenty-seven, and also stigmatized, Marthe Robin would spend some fifty years of her life without sleep or food, nourishing herself uniquely with the Eucharistic Bread.
When Fr. Laffineur, O.P. died in November 1970, he had left behind him his plan for the diffusion of the Message of Garabandal in a difficult situation. His close collaborator Fr. Combe decided to ask Marthe, whom he knew well, for her advice. The famous woman mystic welcomed him in the first months of 1971, in her house of La Plaine . . . Here is the account of her meeting as reported by Fr. Combe himself:
". . . Myself: "Dear Sister Marthe, as you know, I care aboutGarabandal . . ."
Marthe: "Yes, Father . . ."
Myself: "I was helping Fr. Laffineur . . . He died last November. And all that has followed . . ."
Marthe: "Yes, the critics . . ."
Myself: "I see that you know. So I come to ask for your advice. To me, the situation appears to be so difficult that from now on I would like to take care of only my parish of Chazay d'Azergues. I have already enough work in this ministry . . ."
Marthe: (in a firm and almost cutting voice): "That's it, Father . . . You want to let everything go! . . ."
Myself (I received the blow right through the heart and waited for the rest . . .)
Marthe: "Aye! What must we do, Father, when we have received graces?"
Myself: "I understand, Sister Marthe . . . I must then take up again the spreading of the Message of Garabandal? But, by doing so, I will receive blows from all sides, from the 'critics,' from the
priests, the vicar-generals, and even blows from the shepherd's crook of Bishops . . ."
Marthe: "Ah well! You will offer them to God. There, father, give me some news of the "children" of Garabandal . . ."
This I did. Marthe listened, sometimes asking for details . . . Finally:
Marthe: "Tell the four girls that I pray for them every day!"
The limited time allotted to me for our interview was drawing to an end. Then Marthe asked me: "Would you like us to say an Our Father and a Hail Mary together?" - "Yes, Marthe. For the girls of Garabandal and their Bishop, for yourself and for the Houses of Charity and also for the blows dealt to us with a stick! . . ."
After our prayer, I said: "Marthe, would you accept to have my Guardian Angel invite yours every day to take part in my Mass!" - "Oh! Yes, Father; they will pray together." And our conversation ended as usual with my blessing given with deep emotion.
My heart was freed and determined; I came down from Marthe's room to the chapel of the Home of Charity. On my knees before the Lord Jesus, I gave thanks for the light received. Then, turning to the Blessed Virgin, I said to her: "Most Blessed Virgin, I understand very well . . . You want this . . . I will therefore take up again my pilgrim's staff . . . I am ready to walk for you to the end of the world" . . .
Later, I saw Marthe Robin again. Every time, we spoke of Garabandal. She was interested in making known the Message; she loved to receive news from me about the four children, about their families and . . . especially about the Bishop of Santander . . .
Another of Marthe Robin's testimonies on Garabandal is the one she gave to Msgr. J. Bretault (Founder and first Bishop of the Diocese of Koudougou). One day, I took him to Chateauneuf-de-Galaure, which he liked so much. Before dropping him off, I asked him to remember me to Marthe and to ask her for a little word for me. The little word was a long report he wrote out immediately with tears of joy before the Blessed Sacrament . . . Msgr. J. Bretault had been overwhelmed by all the information Marthe knew about the difficulties in spreading the news about Garabandal in France after the death of Fr. Laffineur. She asked him to transmit a few details and some advice . . . that were very useful and effective for me."
[From 'Garabandal' Book, pages 228-229]
Another great Saint involved with Garabandal, Marthe Robin's cause for beatification was introduced in Rome in 1984.
There's some powerful stuff in this interview, especially for those of us who have received "blows" from certain church officials and "holier than thou" lay people who refuse to believe in Our Lady of Garabandal and the Messages . . . But as you can see, Marthe and many Saints have believed and with God's grace I will continue to do so too! Just the other day, a mystic friend told me to "wait - pray - listen." So I continue to spread the story of Garabandal with the grace of God! Yes, it is a grace to believe! How about you? Have you received that grace?
What will it take to make you believe, a Miracle? Well, one is coming soon, so hang on to your hat!!! I'm not the only one saying this, either. Many of today's mystics are saying the same thing. We are on the verge of a Divine intervention and the beginning of a new era for mankind!
Deacon John