Thursday, October 3, 2024

New Article about Garabandal


The current situation of Garabandal and the position of the Catholic Church

An analysis of Marian apparitions and the ecclesiastical response to more than 60 years of controversy and devotion

Friday, July 12, 2024


Compiled by Ann Ellison

July 11, 2024

The Village of Our Lady!


Dear Family,

I have no idea where to begin to tell all of you what all has been happening in the last couple of months!  It has been a whirlwind of events and I am not sure I have really kept up!  Exhaustion is not even in the equation…its much deeper than that, and yet full of joy, love, and encouragement of which I don’t think I have ever experienced before.  

We continue to be thrilled with the many pilgrims and multiple retreats and conferences our DWIRC has been hosting and overseeing in Garabandal this Spring! To just recap a bit:  Triumph Pilgrimages Debbie Womack from St. Augustine, brought Father Stan Fortuna, O.F.M. and a wonderful group of pilgrims in early April; Laurena Rafferty from Ireland brought a delightful and large group in late April; our marvelous Guy Murphy of Totally Yours Pilgrimage, with Mother Gabrielle Marie brought dozens of beautiful pilgrims along with a magnificent new Divine Will priest that we are absolutely in love with:  Father Theophile Hostia (who is from Congo and is finishing his PHD in Sacred Liturgies in Rome soon) for an awesome Retreat in May; our amazing Greg Dunne brought multitudes of Divine Will pilgrims from Ireland and America in June; Nisha Cook brought a lovely group from London also in June and we have more Retreats and Pilgrims scheduled for this year and next as well!  


Our Blessed Mother is obviously calling many of Her dear children to Her Village and to enter more deeply and powerfully into this Gift of Gifts:  Their Adorable Divine Will!  Along those lines, I am so grateful to Our Lady for arranging Anne and Marc Weigel to move to Garabandal 3 years ago!  They are doing an awesome job of overseeing, encouraging and coordinating the myriad of details involved with all these groups, retreats and pilgrims that desire to come to our beloved Garabandal and stay at our lovely DWIRC.  Please contact Anne if you desire to visit at her email:

We are excited to share with you the next wonderful Divine Will Retreat and Spiritual Exercises Conference in Garabandal that will be from September 19-26, 2024!  The dynamic speakers and organizers include Derek Williams, Anne Weigel and Father Theophile along with Guy and the great Totally Yours Pilgrimage Staff! It is not too late to sign up.  There are still places available!  Below is a flyer and schedule as well as a link to contact Totally Yours Pilgrimage for further information: phone number 630-279-8424. We would love to have you, like so many other pilgrims, participate in an unforgettable experience and one to bring you ever closer to God and Our Lady!  Be sure to watch the 5 minutes inspiring testimony video from pilgrims on the recent Retreat in May on the Totally Yours Pilgrimage Website.  


Additionally, we are exploring the possibility of a Divine Will pilgrimage to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Opening of the Divine Will Institute and Retreat Center (DWIRC) in Garabandal which will be next June 1, 2025!  It might consist of an approximate 2-week tour that would include Garabandal of course and other interesting and nearby Marian Shrines in France, etc.  How does that sound to you?  Also, we hope to have a Divine Will Conference in Florida again next Fall, 2025.  We are so docile to Our Lady’s promptings as this window of opportunity to gather is still available to us!  How powerful it is for the Body of Christ to come together in person!


Garabandal and Divine Will continue to be ground zero right now in the world.  The prophecies of Garabandal have been spreading like nothing you have ever seen! There will even be the first of its kind a “Congress on Our Lady of Garabandal” this October 17-19, 2024 with hundreds of pilgrims from all over the world participating! The knowledge of the Divine Will, the Greatest Gift that God can give to His beloved creatures combined with these amazing presence of Our Lady in Garabandal as our Queen and Mother are exactly what is needed at this time in human history! 


Always remember we love you all so very much and keep each of you in our daily prayers!  Please keep us in yours especially as Felicia and I travel back home to Canada and the States respectively next week.  Fiat always! 

Friday, April 19, 2024

The denials of the visionary girls of Garabandal 04/19/2024 by Dr. Elsa Martí


The denials of the visionary girls of Garabandal

Juan Hervás

April 19

by Dr. Elsa Martí International Initiative Spain with Garabandal, Athenaeum of Santander March 19th 2024 "The fact that the girls denied is a reality! A reality used by many to not believe, and yet, for those of us who do believe, it reaffirms even more the credibility, evidence, and certainty in these Apparitions. Credibility because […]

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Friday, March 22, 2024

More news about Pope visiting Russia

  Ominous papal Moscow visit this June? Jesus warns anew on lung disease, etc. - SunStar

A huge deal, as far as those keeping tabs on prophecies from recent Marian apparitions, particularly in Garabandal, Spain in the 1960's. To recall ...

Garabandal prophecies: Heaven is preparing a ‘Divine Reset’ from God

The John-Henry Westen Show

Catholic author Ted Flynn is sounding the alarm about the ‘Divine Reset’ that Heaven is preparing for the world as foretold in the prophecies of Garabandal. Flynn’s new book, Garabandal—the Warning and the Great Miracle: The Divine Reset that Will Correct the Conscience of the World, describes in detail how Heaven’s ‘Divine Reset’ will completely upend society as we know it. The prophecies of Garabandal assure us that God’s mercy is infinite — no matter our sin — and provide us a path to redemption if we choose it. Ted Flynn’s research into the prophecies of Garabandal is comprehensive, and the message themselves will impact us all.


Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Lent with Mary - Some Brief Thoughts



Beginning Lent, our gaze should once again turn to Mary who wishes to accompany us during this time of desert. The Church invites us to plunge onto the path of prayer, penance, and almsgiving to prepare our hearts for the central celebration of our Faith: the Pasch, Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Mary is never far from us; She always walks by our side and watches over us, like a mother watches over her children.

Let us make the words of St. Louis de Montfort our own, "I am all yours, oh, Mary, and all that I have is yours." Belonging to Mary means belonging to Jesus. She is "the surest, shortest, and most perfect way to reach Jesus." This Lent, let us make the resolution to draw closer to Jesus through Mary. Drawing near to Jesus makes us discover our own poverty, sins, and defects, because the closer we are to the light, the more we can see. If we take Mary by the hand as we do this, we will not become discouraged. Rather, looking towards Her, we implore Her help in order to be more faithful to Jesus.

We meditate His Sorrowful Passion to nourish our fidelity and love. If He has done so much for you, what will you not do for Him?

Lent is an intense time for conversion and for listening to the Second Message with more faith and perseverance, "If you ask for His forgiveness with sincere hearts, He will forgive you." If we take a look at the Gospels, we see stories of how Jesus calls sinners and the sick to draw near to Him constantly. He forgives them and He cures their sicknesses. He does not reject a humble and contrite heart.

This Lent let us draw close to Jesus with faith and confidence to ask forgiveness, not only for our sins, but for those of the whole world. Let us ask Him to have mercy; He will hear us. May this time of Lent not be centered upon ourselves, but let us open our hearts to the entire world, to so many souls who are in need of knowing the Lord and returning to Him. 

Second Formal Message – 18 June, 1965

Toward the end of the apparitions, Our Lady told the visionaries that she was displeased because her first message went unheeded. She, therefore, announced that she would give a second and final message, through the intercession of St. Michael, on June 18, 1965.

As the day arrived, thousands of visitors from Spain and many foreign countries swelled the little mountain village to witness the apparition and hear this further communication from the Blessed Virgin.

 “As my message of October 18 has not been complied with and has not been made known to the world, I am advising you that this is the last one. Before, the cup was filling up. Now it is flowing over. Many Cardinals, many Bishops and many Priests are on the road to perdition and are taking many souls with them.

Less and less importance is being given to the Eucharist. You should turn the wrath of God away from yourselves by your efforts. If you ask His forgiveness with sincere hearts, He will pardon you. I, your Mother, through the intercession of St. Michael the Archangel, ask you to amend your lives. You are now receiving the last warnings. I love you very much and do not want your condemnation . Pray to Us with sincerity and We will grant your requests. You should make more sacrifices. Think about the Passion of Jesus."


Sunday, March 3, 2024


 Mt 24:30 – The “warning” / “illumination of conscience”. You’ll be “cut to shreds.” How to prepare.

Here’s Matthew 24:30a… Now, that Sign of the Son of Man might well be the Cross, enormously, gloriously shining forth from heaven for all to witness, not able to be erased, destroyed, covered over. Alternatively: Mind you, that woman, that … Continue readingMt 24:30 – The “warning” / “illumination of conscience”. You’ll be “cut to shreds.” How to prepare.