On this day, the girls in ecstasy recited the Creed, quite notably the Nicea-Constantinople one, for the first time apart from the rosary. This was a unique case in the public Marian apparitions, even in the whole history of apparitions. This particular performance would be repeated in twelve distinct and most relevant days the last of them significantly corresponding to the precise point of junction between the 1st and 2nd of November. Quite notable also is the strong biblical and ecclesial symbol of the number "12."
To this "profession of faith" always recited, it seems, in honor to the "Heart of Jesus" (al "Sagrado Corason"), the visionaries added an element of prime importance, of a truly prophetic nature, saying: "I believe in the one, holy, catholic, apostolic and Roman Church . . ."! The addition of these last words is most certainly linked to the future "reunification of the Churches" predicted at San Sebastian de Garabandal, and to which we will eventually return. Concerning this "addition" to the article of faith of the Church, . . . precisely about the Church, we must point out that, at a close examination, it did not reveal anything revolutionary: the "new" expression used by the visionaries in ecstasy was, in fact, only echoing the Ecumenical Councils of Trent and Vatican I, whose respective "professions of faith" had already included, in their own manner, the "addition": ". . . and Roman."
On this August 1, 1961, Feastday of the Holy Martyrs Maccabees, such a recitation of the Creed by the seers then in ecstasy was indeed remarkable: it was bringing together the believers of the Old and the New Covenants in a kind of joint celebration of their new common Faith. It also underscored the fact that they both belong to this one Redeemer's plan of universal salvation.
On this same day, during another ecstasy, Loli and Jacinta were also heard for the first time reciting the Ave Maria with this beautiful addition: "Holy Mary, Mother of God" 'and our Mother' pray for us . . .", an addition the Blessed Virgin asked the visionaries not to use before the Church allowed it, in clear distinction to the previous addition "and Roman Church"!
[Excerpted from 'Garabandal' Book, page 74.]
WOW! Talk about prophecies . . . Here is Our Lady teaching and proclaiming something that was already on the lips and in the hearts of the faithful! I always use the term 'Roman Catholic' when explaining to someone what Church I belong to. How about you?
One day I was in Manhattan looking for a church to attend Mass. I passed by a beautiful, Gothic one near Times Square. There was a noon Mass scheduled, so I went in. Inside was a beautiful altar with a tabernacle and vigil lamp but the church was empty. Then I found the Mass which was being celebrated in a side room. I entered and took a seat. As I listened to the prayers of the priest, it all sounded strange to me, so I asked the man next to me if this was a Catholic Mass. He said yes. I said "A Roman Catholic Mass?" He said, "No, Anglican!" I ran out of there, bewildered. I said to myself, "How did I make that mistake?" By the way, the name of the church was "St Mary, the Virgin." I learned the hard way, that there are many catholic churches out there, but not all are Roman or united with Rome.
As far as the change to the Hail Mary that Our Lady asked the girls to hold off saying, the popes have allowed some changes in the Rosary since these apparitions in the 60's: There is the Scriptural Rosary, where a verse of scripture relating to the Mystery is inserted between the ten Hail Marys; and another way to pray, which was approved by Pope Paul IV, is to add something about the Mystery during the Hail Mary. Here is an example I use most of the time: Second Sorrowful Mystery, the Scourging: Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the Fruit of thy womb, Jesus (who was scourged for us).
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