1. Reflexions
For a long time Garabandal has made its way among those who believe that it is a direct intervention of God. The diffusion of the message and the facts that support them is world-wide. All this, in spite of the blind and obstinate opposition from a Commission that, charged with a very serious matter, commits the unpardonable levity of not giving to it the importance that it deserves. Because of understanding nothing about it — and it is the Commission’s own fault — it has judged superficially and with a disturbing outspokenness, that the apparitions were not objectively supernatural. Their spokesman, Bishop Puchol, has even ventured to call it an innocent “game of children . . ."I think back to the letter that Padre Pio wrote to the visionaries in 1961:
— “When they believe, it will be too late . . .”
Furthermore, it would happen that the visionaries would come to doubt, contradict each other, and they themselves would deny.Actually, I had the incredible opportunity to witness certain ecstasies in which the Virgin predicted to the girls in 1961 these future events that were so painful to them. I heard with my own ears their response to this startling warning from their Vision.
— “How can we say that we haven’t seen you, since we are seeing you at this very moment?”
— Yes, that would happen.We Catholics, do we not feel ourselves corrupted by an absurd spirit of ‘false humanism’ that we dare to call Christian?
Some believe that our position in favor of the historical facts at Garabandal is destroyed when they affirm — what none of us dispute — on the contrary, accept — that Public Revelation has ended, that Jesus Christ has said the last words necessary for salvation. Yes, that is their attitude at the present time, when they brazenly choose to accept from Public Revelation what is convenient for them, and reject the rest!
The locution of Jesus to Conchita at Pamplona on February 13, 1966 might be recalled: “Yo lo hare todo.” (I will do everything.)
One could foresee the failure of those members of the Commission on that celebrated night in August, 1961 which I have reported accurately since I saw and heard it myself in the village church. Today the failure and misunderstanding of the “learned” are clear to me.
2. First Message
Conchita has repeated many times that the most important thing is to accomplish the messages of our Lady of Mount Carmel. Allow me to repeat them.
(Message of October 18, 1961)
It is necessary to make many sacrifices, perform much penance.It is necessary to visit the Blessed Sacrament (mucho).
But first of all we must be very good.
And if we do not do this, a punishment will come upon us.
The cup is already filling up.
And if we do not change, a very great punishment will come upon us.
These words were pronounced by the Virgin before the start of Vatican II, at a time when already much more value was given to the “human” than the supernatural.
On October 18, 1961, the spectators were disappointed and returned home discouraged. Actually, they had expected to see at Garabandal a miracle, which the visionaries had never predicted. For that day, they had only spoken of the public revelation of a message directed by the Virgin to her children on earth. Was not that enough?The Miracle? It will come on a day determined by God, and only a few persons on earth know the exact date.
And the Message itself? It is there for us to accomplish in the soonest and best way possible.
Certainly it does not tell us anything that we do not already know. But do we not need to be reminded of the evangelical truths?
The test? Does the world practice the ancient faith? And we ourselves, even though we believe in Garabandal, what are we doing?
There can be nothing new here beside what was there at Fatima and Lourdes and the other apparitions.
Has not Public Revelation been completed? We know that as well as our adversaries. We only ask that whatever one does, one should remember it in all circumstances.
Sometimes one hears it said, “Garabandal. It is finished! Actum est!”But “Roma non locuta” (Rome has not spoken) must be understood in response to this erroneous and fallacious statement.
A poorly informed bishop can err. A congregation such as the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith does not err. When the latter speaks, it will be to say, “Yes. Yes.” or “No. No.”
3. Second Message
Now let us go on to the second message. This is the one from June 18, 1965, which is certainly, in my opinion, a message of the “last warnings.”Predicted by Conchita 6 months in advance, she wrote it down on June 19 and signed it with the pen that I have in front of me on my work table. I cannot express the gratitude due to her for this inestimable gift.
The message that the Most Holy Virgin has given to the world through the intercession of the Angel St. Michael.
The Angel said:
As my message of October 18 has not been complied with and has not been made known to the world, I am telling you that this is the last.
Before the cup was filling up; now it is overflowing.
The priests: Many are on the road to perdition, and with them they are taking many more souls.
The Eucharist: It is being given less and less importance.
With your own efforts you should avoid the wrath of the Good God.
If you ask pardon with a sincere heart, He will forgive you.
I, your Mother, through the intercession of the Archangel St. Michael, want to tell you to amend your lives.
You are in the last warnings!
I love you very much, and do not want your condemnation.
Ask us sincerely, and we will give you what you ask.
You should sacrifice yourself more.
Think of the passion of Jesus.
Conchita González June 18, 1965
4. The Hour of God
I do not know the reason, but I had the good fortune to stay awake and remain until the end in Conchita’s kitchen on the night of October 10-11, 1962. Though all my companions succumbed to sleep or retired, I was able to realize my plan to see at what time in the morning on October 11, 1962, Conchita’s ecstasy would begin. On the previous evening, on October 10, a “Nota” had appeared in the Spanish press from the Bishop of Santander, Dr. Beitia Aldazabal. He had signed it on the preceding October 7, Feast of the Holy Rosary.
Conchita went into ecstasy exactly at 8 in the morning on that October 11. At the same time the radio blared out the ringing of the bells at St. Peter’s basilica as in Rome began the procession of thousands of bishops from all parts of the world there present, headed by the Roman Pontiff John XXIII. The bells resounded throughout the universe. The ecstasy in which I was one of the few witnesses lasted some 10 minutes…
I heard the conversation — at least part of it — that the young girl had with her Vision.
Without waiting to be questioned, Conchita talked to us first.
— “I asked the Virgin why the bishop published yesterday a Nota on Garabandal.”
— “And what did she answer?”
— “She didn’t answer, she just smiled . . .”
I don’t know if this matter has been published. But for my part, I find it very striking.
If the Virgin of Garabandal smiled at the hour of the opening of the Council, it is because she knows well the hour of Providence, which has not yet come, but which will come… the hour of God and her hour…
Father J. R. G. de la Riva.
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