Some new explanations were given Conchita about new circumstances of the future Miracle: "It will occur at 8:30 p.m." (Spanish time), "on a Thursday," truly a Eucharistic and priestly day, also a day, par excellence, of the Unity of Christians. Indeed, it was on the evening of the Last supper in the Upper Room, that Christ addressed His sublime prayer to God; "Father, that they may all be One, as You are in Me and I am in You" (John 17: 21). There are so many corresponding details - but there are others! - that lead us to think that the "D" day might "fall" on a Holy Thursday. This intuition seemed all the more valid since we know that the "D" day will fall in the month of . . . April and, to repeat it, on a very special "Thursday," although we now know that it will not be a Holy Thursday! Conchita also said that: "the Miracle will last about a quarter of an hour; it will be seen in heaven, so clearly or in such an obvious way that there will no longer exist any doubts about the existence of God and His love for mankind." "The sick present at Garabandal, the place of the Miracle, will be healed."
Finally, Conchita "will announce the date eight days prior to the Miracle." Again, according to the visionary, "it will be the greatest Miracle that Jesus will ever have performed for the world."
[From 'Garabandal' Book, page 159]
Now we are getting into some good news as the Miracle is slowly explained to us . . . Guess what? It's past April, so I doubt the Miracle will occur this year. Why? Because the Warning has to come first, to prepare the world for the Miracle. Both are supposed to happen within the same year. I could be wrong, though, so don't give up yet!
But lets think about some of the things that Conchita said about this Miracle:
1. It will occur on a Thursday evening at 8:30 P.M. Spanish time. That means about midnight for us here on the East Coast of America. I hope I'm awake to watch it on EWTN!
2. It will be Eucharistic! Could it be a vision of the Holy Mass? That's what Sister Lucia of Fatima saw in a vision!
3. It will unite all Christians into One! "Hooray!"
4. The whole world will believe in God! Goodbye Atheists and Darwin lovers!
5. All the sick present at Garabandal will be healed! Get your plane tickets ready if you have cancer, aids, TB, blind, deaf, lame, etc. for your personal miracle!
6. It will be announced 8 days in advance. Will the TV News announce it too? I think so, cause they went through the Warning and purification like the rest of us!
7. It will be the greatest Miracle Jesus will perform for the world.
That's it folks, last chance to convert before the "Second Coming of Christ"! He will do no more for us! Keep tuned for more revelations about the Miracle that is sure to come!!!
Roman Deacon
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