Garabandal Breaking News
The Pre-Warning Signs
September 26, 2014"La Madre Nieves nos habló, con mucho cariño, de Conchita González, a quien conoce muy de cerca. Y también del Aviso (anunciado por la Virgen) y de las señales (pre avisos) que, según parece, anunciarán la proximidad de esa manifestación extraordinaria de Dios, para que los hombres nos convirtamos.
Pueden resumirse en tres: 1) la crisis mundial (crisis de fe y
aparición de graves sucesos: guerras, enfermedades…), 2) la muerte de
Joe Lomangino, y 3) la realización de un sínodo en la Iglesia (la Madre
Nieves se preguntaba a sí misma: ¿será este próximo?, ¿será el del
próximo año?......"
My Translation :
Nieves talk to us, with great affection about Conchita Gonzalez, whom
she knows closely. And about the Warning (announced by the Virgin) and
signs (pre-Warning) which, apparently, will announce the proximity of
this extraordinary manifestation of God to convert men. It can be
summarized as follows:
1) A global crisis (crisis of faith and occurrence of serious events: war, disease....)
2) the death of Joe Lomangino
3) The realization of a synod in the Church (Mother Nieves asked herself: will it be the next one (she means the current one) ? (or) the one of the next year ?
Comment : What a wondeful news, Mother Nieves, known by all of us as
one of our greatest Garabandalist, close to the seers since the
beginning of the Apparitions of Garabandal, superior of the school in
Burgos where Conchita studied during the years 1966 - 1967 and having
with her but known by few only (I was personnally aware),
what we called the second diary of Conchita, given to her by the main
seer when she was student in her school and full of first hand details.
Mother Maria de las Nieves Garcia, asking herself, if the warning could
occur after the current Synod or the next one ? It's a terrific news
and maybe many of you could not understand yet and time will tell only,
but in my opinion, it's an important and first hand news as the opinion
of Mother Nieves means a lot, so after having indicated the pre-warning
signs and according to the Mother, The Warning of Garababandal could
occur at the latest after the next Synod, what can we expect more ? so I
am pleased today to share this news with all of you, Garabandalist stay
strong, today we have another confirmation that we are almost there.
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