Sunday, October 28, 2012

From Mark Mallett: As We Get Closer


THESE past seven years, I have felt the Lord comparing what is here and coming upon the world to a hurricane. The closer one gets to the eye of the storm, the more intense the winds become. Likewise, the closer we get to the Eye of the Storm—what mystics and saints have referred to as a global “warning” or “illumination of conscience” (perhaps the “sixth seal” of Revelation)—the more intense world events will become.

We began to feel the first winds of this Great Storm in 2008 when the global economic collapse began to unfold1. What we will see in the days and months ahead will be events unfolding very rapidly, one upon the other, that will increase the intensity of this Great Storm. It is the convergence of chaos.2 Already, there are significant events happening all over the world that, unless you are watching, as this ministry is, most will be oblivious to them.


On a personal note, it has been a whirlwind here the past year. Numerous setbacks, including a family death, have interfered with my ability to resume my webcasts, write as often as I’d like, and finish my latest album. So that said, now that many personal storms are beginning to wane, I need to hunker down in the next few weeks to complete, the now two albums, that are sitting there in my studio. So writings here will continue to be infrequent, at least for the next while.

The other dimension is that I also do not feel a complete green light on other things that I could say or write here that are on my heart. It has always been the advice of my spiritual director to wait, and wait some more, until I feel total peace about what is posted. It is interesting, as I have heard from other “watchmen” around the globe, that there is a sense that their missions are winding down—at least the dimension of warning souls before the Great Storm. This only makes sense. One no longer needs to warn about a hurricane when the shutters are flapping and the streets are flooding. So too, the need to warn will soon be redundant… the Storm will then be upon us for all to see. In the meantime, for new readers and old alike, I encourage you to ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to previous writings, including the links above (like the writing The Coming Counterfeit ) to better understand or refresh your memory on what has already been said. Above all, live in the presence of God moment by moment, receiving the Sacraments frequently, never missing your daily prayers, and entrusting your heart (broken heart?) to Our Lady’s care. May we increase in the joy of the Lord as the days increase in darkness.

Know of my daily prayers for you, and my continued need for yours. I will place all of you and your intentions before Our Lord and Lady.

In Him,


Friday, October 26, 2012

Special Encounters RECALLED by Laurie Ginnivan

Neuropsychiatrist Ricardo Puncerneau examined the four seers thoroughly for 12 days. Not being able to find a convincing natural scientific explanation for the events, he finds himself journeying from the position of'sceptic to 'firm believer'.

In the 1980's Laurie Ginnivan was privileged to meet and question nine first hand wit­nesses to the ecstasies of the four visionaries at Garabandal, Spain, from 1961 to 1965. With the assis­tance of a valued colleague, Laurie now details some of those remark­able encounters.

Author and good friend of mine, Ramon Perez, has very kindly al­lowed me to use appropriate quotes from his excellent book, "The Vil­lage Speaks", to help with my ar­ticles. Ramon is still working hard in France producing important infor­mation on the Garabandal appari­tions. He is currently, among other endeavours, nearing the completion of a special edition for Russia.

Since the phenomena accompa­nying these apparitions so often de­fied the laws of nature and physics, I'd like to commence with some quotes from what I consider is a very significant chapter in Ramon's book.


Signs of Credibility

Each time God wants to commu­nicate something important to hu­manity, an old truth or a reminder of the truth, He authenticates His message by signs or miracles, which cannot be explained as freaks of na­ture.


The Old Testament abounds in prodigies, the very number of which proves that even the marvellous, the extraordinary, God gives us in abun­dance. The gospels are full of the miracles of Jesus, signs which were also acts of love.

Left, doctors examine two of the Garabandal visionar­ies Jacinta and Mari-Loli while in ecstasy. 

At Garabandal, these signs have been given to men with prodigality, (ie. lavishly bestowed). Ramon con­tinues, (slightly edited because of space): "We mention here some of these signs." It must be understood however, that the following signs and other details are only apparent when the girls are in ecstasy; (i.e. when they are experiencing their celestial vision - L.G.)

The transfigured faces. The vi­sionaries' faces become more beau­tiful during an ecstasy; the change is lightning quick and very obvious.

The beauty of their attitudes.
Whether individually or in a group, whether the girls are praying, walk­ing or falling, the aesthetic quality of their attitude is very apparent and impresses all who witness it. The ecstatic falls in unison are astonish­ing in the beauty of the appearance they present.

The   ease   of   movement.
Whether they are kneeling, walking normally or backwards, slowly or rapidly, on level ground or climb­ing up to the pines, over stones, through bushes, in snow or mud, climbing stairs or descending them - all of this in daylight or in the dark of night — they move around with astonishing ease ... their eyes riveted to the sky the whole time.

Dr Ricardo Puncerneau
A summary of information given during interview held in April 1984.
At the time of the apparitions, Dr Puncerneau was a Neuropsychia-trist, Director of Neurological Ser­vices at the University Clinic for General Pathology at Barcelona, as­sistant professor of the medical fac­ulty and Vice-President of the Eu­ropean Society for Sophrology and Psychosomatic Medicine.

Dr Puncerneau's first knowledge of the Garabandal events came when he was Presi­dent of a church organi­zation known as "The Spiritual Exercises Group." Another mem­ber of this group knew of the extraordinary events going on in the remote Cantabrian hamlet and was constantly trying to coax the doctor to go and make a study of them. For some time the latter brushed the idea aside saying that he wanted nothing to do with hys­terics. Providence how­ever, had other designs and before too long, he found himself in the little mountain village closely observing the phenom­ena in question. He was quite struck by it all and sought permission to
give the visionaries neurological and psychological tests.

The good doctor spent 12 days examining the children applying a wide range of tests. The test types varied, incorporating examination in the categories of neuropsychologi-cal, personality, psychological, intel­ligence, muscular tones etc. The states of the girls' health before, dur­ing and after their ecstasies were closely scrutinized. A few of these tests Dr Puncerneau explained to me, e.g. The Rorchach Test. I couldn't help but marvel at the as­tonishing thoroughness of his ex­aminations. As a result he was able to rule out all manner of psychologi­cal disorders.

Words to Cherish
A charming enhancement to the interview came when our interpreter
persuaded him to admit to an envi able compliment paid to him: dur ing their visions the young seer loved to 'chat' with their 'Heavenl; Mother' about what was happening to them on any particular day of thi week. Naturally. Dr Puncerneau' activities were raised and Our Lad; informed the girls that... "He doe his work well."
Not being able to find a convinc ing natural scientific explanation fo the events our "meticulous medico found himself journeying from th position of 'sceptic' to 'firm be liever'. So much so, that he startei giving conferences on the subject ti his medical colleagues in Barcelona Speaking of these conferences, h said that he gave 130 in total am that his audience listened with grea respect; no one ever contradicts him.

As we were both staying in the comfortable guesthouse of the lovely Gonzalez family, (known as "Mezon Serafin"), I was able to gain a few more insights into this won­derful man. One morning when we were comparing agendas for the day, he indicated that his program had already begun - at about 4.30 am! He said that when staying with the Gonzalez family he often liked to rise early and then without waking the other guests (sleepyheads like me!), descended the stairs to the din­ing room. There he explained, he would position himself near the beautiful image of Our Lady of Mt Carmel and then 'chat' to her ... "in the same way as I'm talking to you now", (gentle smile)
Just before I took my final leave from the good doctor, he said to me, "Lorenzo, I'd like to tell you what I think the world will be like after the great prophesied Garabandal events have been realized." Then opening his Bible, he read from Ch 2:10-14 of the Song of Songs. This book of the Bible as you may be aware ... contains in exquisite poetic form the sublime portrayal and praise of the mutual love of the Lord and His people.

My lover speaks; he says to me. "Arise, my beloved, my beautiful one, and come!

For see the winter is past, the rains are over and gone.

The flowers appear on the earth, the time of pruning the vines has come, and the song of the dove is heard in our land.

The fig tree puts forth its figs, and the vines, in bloom, give forth fragrance.

Arise, my beloved, my beauti­ful one, and come!
O my dove in the clefts of the
rock, in the secret recesses of the
cliff, let me see you, let me hear your
voice, for your voice is sweet and
you are lovely".

"PILAR" - Favoured Name
In practically every town in Spain (including Garabandal), you'll find a woman or a girl bearing the name Pilar or Pili - chosen, of course, in honour of Nuestra Senora del Pilar (Our Lady of the Pillar), the national patron. Her special shrine is located in Zaragoza where the Blessed Virgin allegedly ap­peared in 40 A.D. to encourage the Apostle St James.

Namesakes in Garabandal
Pilar Cruz - mother of Mari Cruz, the youngest visionary. I met Pilar briefly on my first visit to Garabandal. She seemed a friendly, yet anxious-minded lady, who was still trying to understand the mys­tery and enormity of everything that had engulfed her family, her daugh­ter and the village. It therefore didn't surprise me when some years later, I read of her reaction, the first time she saw Mari experiencing an ap­parition. In that marvelous trilogy, She Went in Haste to the Mountain, by Eusebio Garcia de Pesquera, O.F.M., she is quoted thus: "When I saw my daughter for the first time in that way (in ecstasy), I was very frightened. I thought she was hav­ing an attack. I point out that I had never heard talk of apparitions. Well, perhaps apparitions; but not ecsta­sies. I was unaware of those things.

I didn't know anything at all about them. Now I have learned something. And finding my daugh-
ter like that - and going to touch her - and she was so rigid - and going to lift her up - and I couldn't. I said to myself, this little girl is going to die; she is having an attack.

The word "cruz" means 'The Cross" in Spanish. Both Mari and her mother endured a lot of suffer­ing, as did the other families during the course of the visions. Conchita's mother, Aniceta, stated that despite the joys, the period of the apparitions was "like a Calvary."

Shepherdess; some short excerpts from her testimony (given in The Village Speaks), indicate the awe and wonder that overcame her and others in this most humble of set­tings.

Before the Apparitions
"Before the apparitions, the little girls were like the others; mountain children, ignorant of the ways of the world because our vil­lage did not exist for the people out­side as we were so isolated."

Insensitiveness and Change of Weight
"During the apparitions I fol­lowed them as many other people did and I remember how they had shone bright lights in their eyes and how they pricked them but the youngsters never winced. People also tried to lift them up but couldn't succeed. As for myself, I will sim­ply tell you that I didn't dare touch them, as they inspired me with so much respect."

An Astonishing "Balancing" Feat
Pilar frequently liked to say therosary with the girls. "One day I saw Conchita reciting the rosary with one knee on the ground and the other one up in the air and she remained in that position during the whole recitation of the rosary. And I must say she recited it very well. It was very impressive to pray with them . . . very touching . . . marvellous to see them make the
 sign of the cross."

"Si Dios quiere" (if God wishes), I shall hopefull be able to bring readers of future editions some further anecdotes from interesting encounters in this humble, yet increasingly important Cantabrian village.

Hasta luego -- until later.

January - March 2007


Enhanced by Zemanta

Fr. Ramon Andreu's Notes: Part Two, Post 48

Note: Ideas to complete the Message.

It asks for the greatest devotion to the Most Holy Sacrament, sacrifices, and that we entrust ourselves to Our Mother in Heaven.

With these concrete finalities, we can establish a series of acts, in ascending progression, that will help us to complete these petitions.

They are the following:

1. When passing in front of a Church, pray a greeting to Jesus in the Sacrament and to Our Lord.

2. When passing in front of a Church, stop a moment to pray as in the previous idea.

3. The same as the previous one, but after praying, bless yourself.

4. Enter the Church, visit the Blessed Sacrament and an image of Our Lady.

5. Hear Mass and receive the Sacrament, praising the intentions of the Message.

6. Hear Mass as in the previous idea and then another time make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament.

7. Hear Mass, visit the Blessed Sacrament and then do a Holy Hour from time to time: once a month, minimum.

8. Similar to the previous idea, but do the Holy Hour with an organization that does nightly or daily adoration.

9. Organize, or form part, like in the previous idea, of a group that visits the Blessed Sacrament, so that it is achieved in each parish or place where it is; an hour shouldn’t pass without the Blessed Sacrament receiving a visit from his faithful devotees.

10. Pray the rosary with the family as the base of your devotions.

11. Participate in all acts possible that complete the Messages.

12. Regarding the sacrifices, each person knows what he should do to complete his duties. From this, we should do personal devotions.

13. Spread the Messages whenever possible.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fr. Ramon Andreu's Notes: Part Two, Post 47

Santander, October 9, 1968.

Annex I: “This canon, cited by Monsignor Beitia, has since lost its force and ecclesiastical law,” according to a declaration of the Holy Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Decree 15-XI-66, but according to the same Decree “It inculcates again the valor of the moral who absolutely prohibit placing faith in danger and the good customs.”

We have already seen that the doctrine and recommendations that surge from the apparitions of Garabandal are fully orthodox and cannot be comprehended in the condition that they would be substituted for the repealed canon.

This text has been translated from the previous letter, according to the version given to the press by the Bishop of Santander.

His Excellence Reverend Father: Through a letter in the month of October of last year this Holy Congregation retracted the documents by the Diocesan Commission, as the rules given by the U.E. about the “apparitions” that have taken place in Garabandal.

This Holy Congregation has carefully and attentively examined all of the documentation, including that which has been sent from other places, and finally has arrived at the conclusion that this issue has already been examined minutely and decided by U.E. and so there is no reason for this Holy Congregation to intervene in it.

Even so, I give thanks to the U.E. for the discretion and prudence that they have shown in the resolution of this matter and I will avail myself to express my great esteem to the U.E.”

This letter merits, for its source and for being a test, intent examination. It is necessary, knowing the delicacy of the Vatican, to examine it point by point in order to get its full feeling. Apparently, it is necessary to dissemble its text. Rome has not lost interest nor has it become definitively uninterested in Garabandal. A proof of this is the trip that Conchita made to the Eternal City in the first months of the next year, after being solicited by a Vatican organization.

The letter is primarily an acknowledgment that he had received the documents returned by the Diocesan Commission, encompassing everything up to the declarations of October 11, 1966, the last that Monsignor Puchol received, as we know from his Note. Also, there are some rules given by this.

Since Bishop Puchol did not give any rule, it can be supposed that Monsignor Beitia tried to include some in the Commission’s documents, because they appear to be effective, which is the same as those given by Monsignor Puchol. In any form, it would be interesting to know which they were, to know of which ones Rome approved:

The Holy Office examined these documents been October 1966 and March 7, 1967. During this time, they saw all of the documentation sent by the Bishopric of Santander, and those received in other ways, according to the note in the letter.

It was like this that the information of the Holy Office in this manner was largest, but the normal conduct of the Bishopric helped inform them through other means, as is evident.

It is possible that they arrived in Rome and were ignored by the Commission, and gave direct testimonies by the protagonists in formal declarations.

This desire of Rome, of making it evident that they had received information apart from that of the Bishopric, could also mean that all they received from other places is reflected in the documents of the Commission, even though it is not nice to note it in this case. If everything was contained there, why talk of other informants? There is no benefit to the Commission in this; or it could also mean that in consequence of receiving information through other routes, the panorama of the case increases, and that which was collected by the Commission, was something poor, and they wanted to insinuate this.

The Holy Office, after an attentive and careful examination of the documentation, arrived at a disconcerting conclusion. It was that no role had been reserved.

This is evident and explicit in the letter. Without a doubt, the report from Santander, in its minutia, and principally, for its judgment of what should be established, cut the road of opinion, including for the Holy Office, and in consequence, the adopted decision is not sufficient reason to impose their intervention.

This negative conclusion in such a delicate matter, before the judgment of Rome, the only valid judge in these cases, as in all, has formulated concrete predictions, and situates the Holy Office in an embarrassing situation. For one part, the Holy Office has the right to intervene in matters and has the last word. On the other hand, it believes in the honesty of the Commission’s work, whose decisions have been made theirs by an interested Prelate, in this case, Bishop Puchol. The disagreeable situation that can be solved disinterestedly by leaving it under the responsibility of Santander, and to wait to see if it is the case that the events are entrusted to make changes in various criteria that has been adopted, opening a cause for their intervention. It is very evident that the logical consideration that the Holy Office has imposed upon hearing, before deciding nothing.

Finally, as the Bishopric has to interpret their documents and according to them, the conclusion at which we arrive is logical and prudent. The Holy Office, situated from that point of view, fully approves of all that has been established and is contained in the documentation sent up to this date, whose text is only known by them.

This letter can be shaded in the way that it was done, to contain the affirmation in the conclusion that before sending anything to Rome they had already judged the matter, what can be interpreted to contain something hidden, a significant surprise for the precipitation of making conclusions.

Nevertheless, it should not be forgotten that it needs resolution only to be indicative. It is communicated from authority to authority, in the character of internal service, without public transcendence.

These transcribed documents are limited to putting the caution that Monsignor Beitia expired from the publication of the Note of Bishop Puchol, which did not realize his vigilance.

The matter is situated in a point in which it was left at first.

We know that the cited Bishop had not closed the file, and with this intention he dictated his rules. The same thing actually happened, and it is the common feeling that if someone has an interest to declare, it will be heard. At least this is what is established by the official documents.

Nevertheless, in this last Note and these transcribed letters, the mind of the Bishop is seen and it is completely skeptical regarding the possible supernatural origins of the events, which does not affect reality, no matter how many he had in these final moments, this conviction is susceptible to change if the contrary is demonstrated.

Through study of the Notes, we can observe a decrease in the criteria of supernatural evidence sustained by the hierarchy of Santander. From the first note to the last, half in an abyss, Monsignor Fernández, we can almost be certain, believed; the Bishop, Dr. Beitia, doubted; and if Monsignor Puchol was skeptical the actual bishop it seemed thought more.

It is to be noted that the curve of orientation descends according to how spaced out the prodigies are. The curve is contrary to the rise that can be traced following the diffusion of the Messages; the more diffusion, the less belief in the mind of the hierarchy. We would say the same, if all of those who had received the Message had practiced it? Surely not. The movement would have been overwhelming and the fruits optimal, a motive that the hierarchy decided, creating less, to channel it although its supernatural origin was not demonstrated.

Another point to consider is the great importance of the process of the facts.

They began with the sufficient freedom so that their development was not hindered during 4 years. The rules of prudence had a benign character until 1965 when the fourth Note was given.

When it was revealed that there would be no more messages, and that the first had not been completed, the mission of the four girls ended until the day of the miracle, as is known by all.

That moment is when the notable, the surprising, and the marvelous began. Some of the girls were slow, others were repetitive, and they seemed impulsive, without knowing why. With bitter suffering, adopted by themselves, a mentality that was completely favorable and was identified with criteria, each time, less believing the supernatural state of things, was sustained by the hierarchy of Santander. They followed in all of this, and are skeptical? The girls doubt, before they were clear and now they only have clouds of life and memory; they deduced that everything had been invented by them, they didn’t oppose anything, there was no motive to give censure.

It is as if in each moment they were molded to adopt the most competent position corresponding to the feeling of the hierarchy of Santander, and, until that point, they have not found a motive for answering, such is their pristine sincerity.

From there it is a more than credible argument.

The position of the hierarchy, so skeptical, is motivated by the lack of coinciding reasons of supernatural proof; if they have not been given, it is because they are hidden until the message is complete, as a result of the infidelity of those who have received the vocation, they have not been made into believers with serious responsibility.

Already, as we have indicated before, little remains to be done. In the second Message it is clearly told to us, it is most urgent, in view of a castaway that is approached, that each one prevents a punishment on his own head and then helps others, from the moment that it is no longer possible to evade it. Urge personal salvation more, because the first is generally more popular. What should the believers in the apparitions of Garabandal do? There is some doubt about completing the Message and doing what it says. Forget the ecstasies for a moment and they complete the mission already: authenticate them.

It is necessary to bring the others to complete the recommendations of the girls, when they have to explain the beginning of our devotion. They have always recommended obedience to the hierarchy, and that they don’t want stridency to change the matter. And finally, for all of the priests who urge devotion to the Most Holy and the reformation of lives, they are the only ones who can achieve this fruit of the faithful that they have in their charge without putting everything in their desire, they will achieve it, and they will mitigate the punishment. If it is not like this, it is doubtful that it will abate around the world, since their profiles will begin to be in view of everyone.

We trust in the Bishop of Santander, and he doesn’t try to quiet the voice of heaven. What he wants it to avoid what has already happened once, the inversion of values. When he has sufficient proof, he will speak. Six years have passed, and who can suppose that this matter has become greater because of the simple taste of conserving a problem? In some manner, it is Providence that works through ways that we don’t understand, but they respond perfectly to what we deserve through our conduct.

Finally, the true propaganda of Garabandal can be made by believers; we come to indicate the practice of the Message, and to make an example of these words. If the enthusiasm of the followers is firm and communicative do not doubt that there will be something more effective than all of the propaganda, and it will have the maximum support from Our Mother in Heaven, who wants, before all (as Conchita has always told us) for us to be obedient to the Church Hierarchy.

J.G. of M.


Thursday, October 18, 2012

51st Anniversary of the First Message:

From Glenn Hudson

Today is the 51st Anniversary of the First Message of our Blessed Mother at Garabandal. She said on October 18, 1961—"We must make many sacrifices, perform much penance, and visit the Blessed Sacrament frequently. But first, we must lead good lives. If we do not, a chastisement will befall us. The cup is already filling up, and if we do not change, a very great chastisement will come upon us."

We have been given time to change, but is the world listening ?


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Melillo's Madrid to Home and Post trip report


Good Evening, America
(that is on Monday evening ... late and upon our return home ... finally sent on Wednesday)
Hello everyone (would love to be saying "Buenos Dias, Buenos Tardes, etc.);
Well, as you can guess, we are home.  It was not easy leaving and the 3 weeks seemed to go by so fast. 
Our last morning in Madrid was relaxed since we had a 2:30 pm flight.  After a great night's sleep we got up and went down for our Cafe con Leche'.  Unfortunately after topping of the gas tank I was down to a few euro's.  We each had a cup and were able to split another, leaving enough for the 1 toll but not enough for anything else.
While we were having our final cafe con leche' and as I had been doing a lot on the trip I would look at Sue and just say BIMBO.  She would get mad, or just act mad, but today I finally had to spill the beans.  I told her to turn around.  The sign on the building in bright red said "BIMBO"  A trucking company I saw everywhere.  She laughed out loud and I think out of relief that I wasn't talking about her.
We spent some time before leaving for the airport trying to finish trip reports and some final packing. Time to go we left, set princess for the last time and headed out.  I sent Sue in to pay the bill since I didn't have my credit card.  Fifteen minutes later we were unpacking at the car return.  I spent a few moments with the car  (did I tell you I love this car), the attendant thought we were nuts.
Checked in and through security we headed to the VIP lounge, grabbed a couple comfortable chairs and settled in, again working the reports, yet in great comfort with all kinds of food and beverages, Just about anything you desired.
A group of Japanese sat near us and they had a party.  They were funny with the food and wine flowing freely.  I ended up taking a picture of them when 2 attendants had to come to their table and clean up some of the dishes and glassware.  They laughed and we entered into a long conversation.( I lived in Okinawa for 2 years and had been to Japan) When I told them about it and the fact that I worked for a general one of the men got up and bowed and we all went hysterical.  The were funny and we all talked for quite awhile.
The boarding call came for them and we all bid good bye and soon after we were heading for our flight. 10 hours from now we would be in Miami, God willing.  The flight was very smooth and traveling business (I love those miles) makes it tolerable.  They served a 6 course lunch, the main dish was a little scary, a good thing we ate something earlier.  We had 4 meals today! Things are looking up.
We landed ahead of schedule but were late , we had to wait for a parking spot, at the very farthest part of the airport.  A 3 mile walk to immigration where 3 other planes had unloaded we had a long wait.  It's quicker getting on a ride at Disney during spring break than getting thru immigration.  finally through and another mile of walking we got our rental and headed home.  The thing I knew I would miss most, as I drove, was the mountains in Europe. Military Trail just doesn't do it.

Home at last we unloaded, Immediately turned on the TV (checked the refrigerator to make sure it was still empty) and began to unpack. 9 pm , 3 AM in Spain, let the jet lag begin!!!
This trip as all the others brought us home so much more enriched in our faith and closer to God.  It is impossible not to feel that way after the experiences we have had and the testimony of so many wonderful people we have met, true witnesses of the power of God, through Our Blessed Mother.  We hope, even if you are not sure or have fallen away from your beliefs, that these past 22 days traveling with us you will at least question and search out for answers.
We have found ours before but we needed to get away from all the daily distractions and immerse ourselves in prayer to renew our beliefs and revitalize our convictions. It's not easy in the world we live in.  We prayed very hard for conversion for so many souls that may be lost and we will continue to do so.
  We hope you all enjoyed the back seat of the car and if you have any questions or would like any information on the places we have been to please ask we would love to hear from you.
We continue to Pray for each and every one of you and we hope that your Intentions/Prayers will be heard and answered.  To those of you who have already emailed us with "success stories" with your intentions, we are thankful to Our Blessed Mother for having heard "Your Prayers".  For those of you who have not ... please continue to Pray ... it is in God's Time ... not ours.  Never, ever give up!
Our last thoughts for this journey:
The thing I missed most at home.
A shower I can turn around in and bend down so I don't have to drop soap suds on my feet.
My bed, of course.
The time to have 3 meals a day.
Susan missed nothing!
The things I'll miss most about Europe.
Did I tell you I loved that Car?
Fresh octopus and cafe con leche.
The mountains.
The ability to walk in the footsteps of Our Blessed Mother.
Susan misses everything!
40 Sacred Shrines/Basilicas/Churches Visited or Attempted To Visit:
28 - Open; 9 - Closed; 2 - Had to cancel our plans to visit
1 - Got there but couldn't get in
Total Miles Driven - 2,970 Miles
(Fort Lauderdale to Los Angeles to Las Vegas ... are you kidding?)
Gas - $ 640.00 U.S. Dollars
Gallons of Gas - 80 (37 MPG - Did I tell you I love this car???)
Tunnels -  34 (Much to Susan's dismay)
Mountain Ranges Driven -  9
Toll Booths - $ 179.00
(don't know yet about a possible fine from Portugal)
"Just In Case" Bag Used Items out of 37 - ONE!
(Tape for Susan's foot ... if she didn't fall at the Church, we would have been 37 for 37 ... anyone want to buy a heating pad from us (unused)????????)
Items Lost or Forgotten - 4  -- Susan's Brown Scapular (now replaced);
My Credit Card & 2 Sandwiches ... did you ever hear of Betteneuser (the loser????? )!
Cow & Horse Bells Heard - Thousands
Dashboard Photo Shots from Susan - Hundreds
Meals Missed .... Too Many To Count
(Longest stretch without food - 29 hours)
Bread Consumed - Way Too Much
(Almost as many as the miracle of the loaves & fishes)
Memento's for our Religious Table - I need another day or week to count them!
Susan's Bracelet
33 Medals in total from all of the Apparition Sites
we have visited over the years that are
dedicated to Our Blessed Mother
Father, thank you for all we have because it is only thru you that we live and survive.
Hear our prayers that, through Mary to Jesus, we offer to you.
Be patient with us and in your great mercy, save us from damnation.
Help us to accept our trials of this life knowing that they are your design and for a greater purpose.
May we learn to accept our sufferings and offer them up for the conversion and sins of the world.
May we always remember the great sacrifice offered by your Son, Jesus, and shared with His Blessed Mother for our salvation.
Give us the strength to live this life in thanksgiving no matter what we may face and as unfair as it may seem.
 And when our time comes to depart this world may we be greeted by the Holy Family and finally see your face.  Amen. ( Tom Melillo)
        May God Bless each and every one of you,
        Tom and Susan

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

From Mark Mallett: The Sun of Justice

The Sun of Justice



Mark will be in Chicago this weekend. See details below!


Look to the East! The Sun of Justice is rising. He comes, the Rider Upon the White Horse!

call to the Bastion (see To the Bastion!) is a call to come to Jesus, the Rock, in the Blessed Sacrament, and there, to wait with Our Blessed Mother for the Battle orders. It is a time of intense preparation, not anxious, but intense—by fasting, frequent Confession, the Rosary, and attending Mass whenever one can, so as to be in a state of childlike attentiveness. And do not forget love, my friends, which without with all the others are empty. For I believe the Seals of Revelation are about to be broken by the “Lamb who seemed to have been slain”, as St. John foresaw it in chapters 5-6 in the Apocalypse.

Consider the current signs of the times as 2012 enter its final seasons: as war brews in the Middle East, the second seal seems to speak of global war; as the United Nations warns of a global food crisis in 2013, the third seal speaks of food rationing; as mysterious diseases and outbreaks are popping up all over the world, the fourth seal speaks of plagues and further famine and chaos; as the United States, Canada, and many other countries begin to move to curtail freedom of speech and thought, the fifth seal speaks of persecution. All of this leads to the sixth seal, which as I’ve written before, appears very much to be some kind of “illumination of conscience” of the entire world (cf. Revelation Illumination)—a great gift to humanity  before the door of Mercy closes, and the door of Justice opens wide (cf. The Doors of Faustina).

As I consider that the words below were first written in October of 2007, one can’t help but thank God that we have had these past five years to further prepare our hearts for the Great Storm that is now unfolding in our time…


This week, I have been hearing these words:

You are entering the most painful part of the purification.

Yet at that same time, I sense a great anticipation. For as I wrote in Look to the East! I believe there is going to be a manifestation of Jesus related to the Blessed Sacrament which will awaken the world to His Eucharistic Presence. Indeed, the “warning” which saints and mystics have spoken of is an interior illumination of one’s conscience triggered, perhaps, by the vision of Jesus crucified, a visual reproduction of the Eucharistic Sacrifice:

All light in the heavens will be extinguished, and there will be great darkness over the whole earth. Then the sign of the cross will be seen in the sky, and from the openings where the hands and the feet of the Savior were nailed will come forth great lights which will light up the earth for a period of time. This will take place shortly before the last day.  St. Faustina, Diary of Divine Mercy, n. 83

In this regard, is not the warning at Fatima also related?1 Tens of thousands of believers and pagans alike gathered on October 13th, 1917, and witnessed the sun begin to spin and change colors. It was described as a “disc”.

Then, suddenly, one heard a clamor, a cry of anguish breaking from all the people. The sun, whirling wildly, seemed all at once to loosen itself from the firmament and, blood red, advance threateningly upon the earth as if to crush us with its huge and fiery weight. The sensation during those moments was truly terrible. All the phenomena which I have described were observed by me in a calm and serene state of mind without any emotional disturbance. It is for others to interpret and explain them. —Professor Almeida Garrett, Novos Documentos de Fatima (Loyala editions, San Paulo, 1984)

And today, many around the world have related seeing again this “miracle of the sun” at famous apparitions sites, often describing the miracle as a “Eucharistic Host” or disc spinning in the sky, and sometimes falling to the earth as thought it were a warning. Why a warning? Because as the Eucharistic Reign of Jesus approaches, so too does His Justice. His reign will be one of peace, not chaos. This present chaos must come to an end. The hope that is coming is going be born in the pain of suffering and purification… like childbirth.

Amen, amen, I say to you, you will weep and mourn, while the world rejoices; you will grieve, but your grief will become joy. When a woman is in labor, she is in anguish because her hour has arrived; but when she has given birth to a child, she no longer remembers the pain because of her joy that a child has been born into the world. (John 16:20-21)

And so then, one sees the purpose of the Seals: they are the arrival of a merciful judgment to shake souls from their complacency into conversion. They are the “labor pains” that bring about the “last times” of the Church. For as the world is plunged into war, famine, plagues, and earthquakes, many souls will turn at last to Jesus, present in the Eucharist, and repent. This is why you are called to the Bastion. You are being readied to meet and love many souls and point them to the “source and summit” of their existence: Jesus.

The Sun of Justice is coming… and the first signs of Dawn are here.



While the revelations of the merciful Heart of Jesus to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque (1647-1690 A.D.) and St. Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938) were separated by three centuries, they have a common theme: devotion to the Heart of Jesus will be a sign of the end times.

I understood that devotion to the Sacred Heart is a last effort of His Love towards Christians of these latter times, by proposing to them an object and means so calculated to persuade them to love Him.St. Margaret Mary, Antichrist and the End Times, Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi, p. 65

This devotion was the last effort of His love that He would grant to men in these latter ages, in order to withdraw them from the empire of Satan which He desired to destroy, and thus to introduce them into the sweet liberty of the rule of His love, which He wished to restore in the hearts of all those who should embrace this devotion. —St. Margaret Mary,

Jesus appeared to St. Faustina with rays of light pouring from His Merciful Heart. From her Diary:

I am prolonging the time of mercy for the sake of [sinners]…. While there is still time, let them have recourse to the fount of My mercy… He who refuses to pass through the door of My mercy must pass through the door of My justice. —Diary of St Faustina, 1160, 848, 1146

You will prepare the world for My final coming. —Diary, n.429

And recall again the words of St. John Bosco in his famous dream of the two pillars:

There will be chaos in the Church. Tranquility will not return until the Pope succeeds in anchoring the boat of Peter between the Twin Pillars of Eucharistic devotion and devotion to Our Lady. Forty Dreams of St. John Bosco, compiled and edited by Fr. J. Bacchiarello, S.D.B.

The call to the Bastion is a call to look to the Eucharist, which is the Sacred Heart of Jesus. To entrust our whole beings to Him who is our refuge. We now see these devotions to His Heart converging in our times.  

The call, then, is to prepare for the end of this age.




Totally Yours Marian Eucharistic Conference
Date: Oct 21-22, 2012
Location: Holiday Inn, 3405 Algonquin Road, Rolling Meadows, Illinois
Theme: Decide for the Light
Speakers: Father James Kubicki, SJ (Apostleship of Prayer), Dr. Gloria Polo (struck by lightening), Dr. Tom Thomas, Dan Lynch, Elizabe0th Fiicocelli, Moira M. Noonan, Mark Mallett, Guy Murphy, and Colleen Willard (healing service).
For information: Call 630-279-8424, or visit: to register.


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  1. cf. Debunking the Sun Miracle Skeptics []

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Thanks Mark for another great post!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Melillo's Personal Pilgrimage - Caravaca de la Cruz and Cuenca, Spain

Buenos Noches:
I woke up bright-eyed and bushy tailed at 5:15 A.M. this morning ... 45 minutes earlier than I had set the alarm for ... but I was refreshed so I quietly left the bedroom and closed the door so that Susan could "sleep in".  I made coffee (American Coffee ... grounds brought from home) ... and started to clean up and finish packing ... stopping every so often to sit on the patio in the quiet of the early morning and "star gaze".
I went in to check on Susan about an hour later and she was still sleeping ... so I thought!  I heard a loud "AAAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH ... her usual Garabandal cow call that she dreams about (a good dream) ... alas, she was awake.
We relaxed on the patio ... it was dark and beautiful.  I had already fixed "bread-fast" for this morning before Susan awoke ... not too much bread ... fruit, jambon (ham), cheeses, ONIONS, red peppers, olive oil and Dijon mustard (yum) ... it was a "perfect" way to start the day. ( I really have to change eating habits when we get back home)
With the remainder of the food we had from our shopping spree, I made TWO MARVELOUS "SANG-WICHES" for the road today ... they put my "forgotten sang-wiches in Betteneuser to shame!!!!
We finished packing up the car, said our Morning Prayers and Blessing for each other and headed out to our next destination ... to be able to see the "Holy Cross From Heaven" in Caravaca de la Cruz.  This stop was one of the main reasons I took this route.  This Sacred Shrine is an important Shrine for us and we hoped and Prayed that we wouldn't be disappointed by finding Church doors "closed and locked" ... and we weren't!
We started our drive to Caravaca de la Cruz a little later than I had planned but the drive was just wonderful.  We arrived in Caravaca and, after getting shut out of a parking place, I had to navigate some very, very, very small streets and turns in order to get to the main road leading to the Church (K-Turns are now my speciality).

We parked the car on the side of the road and began our walk (run) to the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Caravaca.  Unfortunately, we arrived for Mass late (not our intention) ... Communion was taking place so we knelt and Prayed for the remainder of the Mass in this beautiful Church dedicated to Our Lady.
We were very disappointed that we hadn't made it for the full Mass, but we did receive a "Blessing" in disguise.  The Priest who had celebrated Mass and the Prayers and Songs to Our Lady after Mass, which we joined and tried to follow, was very helpful to us and explained and gave us directions to the "Miraculous Cross" which is protected in the Castle Church of Caravaca de la Cruz up on the mountain ... the place where the Miracle took place.  It is now a Basilica that houses the Miraculous Cross ... and this site is the Fifth Holiest City of Catholic Christianity in the World.  It goes without saying that "Padre" who directed us was our "Angel Of The Day"!
The Cathedral was very beautiful but they were closing after mass and it was too dark to get photo's of another wonderful tribute of Honor to The Immaculate Conception...Our Mother.
We walked back to our car through the winding little streets and drove back down through the town ... down very narrow streets with our side view mirrors in so they didn't scratch the walls ... a few more "k-turns"!
We didn't realize that we could have parked right outside of the "Castella of Caravaca de la Cruz", so we parked down below (just wanted to get there and hope that it was open).  It was a beautiful day and we wanted to take the walk to the Shrine in contemplation ... who cared!
There was no one around when we entered the Basilica Plaza ... but the Basilica and the Museum/Religious Store was open.  We were thrilled and opted to head, first, to the Basilica ... only to find out that the Chapel of the Miraculous Cross would not open until 10:30 A.M. (it was now about 9:45 A.M.). 
Not to worry ... we have learned patience.  We sat and Prayed and contemplated what we were hoping that we were about to see and how we would feel in the presence of this Miraculous Cross brought from Heaven by the Angels from God.
With a little more time to kill, we walked to the Religious Shop for a small memento for our "soon to be" very, very large religious table that graces the entry at our home.
At 10:25 A.M., we were back in the front pew of the Shrine, waiting patiently for the Chapel of the Miraculous Cross to open ... an experience neither of us will ever forget.  At 10:31, the Sacristan came out and motioned us (along with one other couple) to follow him.  So, the four of us entered this very small Sacred Chapel with two pews that can only seat 4 people each.  It seemed apparent to us that they have chosen to keep this miraculous site as small and reverent as possible ... and it truly was!
As we sat in front of the Miraculous Cross and pondered the story of the miracle, we didn't even realize that another 1/2 dozen people had arrived until we got up from our pew to walk up and get a closer look at this Miraculous Cross.  Standing about 3 feet from this beautiful "Cross From Heaven", it is hard to fathom that we were standing so close to something not "man-made" ... but something from "God and Heaven".  It doesn't get any better than that!
In awe, we got out of the way for others to get close to the Cross ... but we felt it was not yet time for us to depart this Sacred Site.  So we went back into the Church and then returned to the Chapel of the Miraculous Cross one more time ... The thought of this Heavenly object originating from Heaven and being delivered by Angels during Holy Mass ... and the sheer beauty of the Cross left us breathless!
(I admit that I did snap a couple of photos even though I felt sacrilegious doing so ... but I felt that I needed to so that I could share with all of you as you read the story of this "Miracle".  Nothing can do it justice except standing before it ... so while I feel guilty, I hope that it touches all of you in the same way it touched us.)
Reluctantly, we left the Sacred Chapel again ... thankful to have been guided here.  As we left, there were throngs of crowds entering the grounds ... time to get out of here!  Today is Columbus Day in Spain ... a national holiday here ... almost everything was closed and great celebrations took place in most of the larger cities.  (Thank goodness we were smart enough yesterday to re-load some food & supplies ... we've been through this before and knew that we weren't going to find anything open today.)

We departed Caravaca de la Cruz with great spiritual memories and had left many of your intentions there.(you don't get any closer to Heaven than that ... unless you are there already ... and if you are, you are not reading this e-mai!).
  The three +++ hour drive to Cuenca, Spain ... which was once again an absolutely beautiful drive.  We got close to Cuenca  the storm clouds were moving in. We took so many photo's it was majestic. You felt like you could reach up and touch the clouds.  The beauty of God's creation.
 Traffic was very heavy (national holiday and a Friday).  We thought that Cuenca (the mountain and old city) would be packed with tourists so we took the mountain road to our hotel.  (I must say, though, that it was not close to being as packed as our "trying to get in" at Montserrat earlier in the week).
We checked into our hotel and we were "shown the way" to our "dungeon room" ... way down at the end of the bowels of the hotel ... down a flight of stairs and tucked away in a corner ... eeeeks!  I decided that this was "not going to happen" and went back to the hotel clerk who didn't understand and couldn't speak a word of English.  I communicated with him, however, and I guess he understood my frustration.  He gave me keys to another room which was much closer to the lobby and we can access Wi-Fi Internet (no way was that going to happen in the "dungeon room" down below and far away.)  We were grateful for that little treat and thanked him profusely in our best Spanish.
Happily, I retrieved our luggage from the car.  Susan's foot has been bothering her so I had her stay in the room to get our "sang-wich" lunch ready (lots of work, Susan ... just "open the bag and unwrap the sang-wiches" ... LOL).  We both realized that we were starving ... it was about 3:30 P.M. and as soon as we finished, the rain storm was gone and the sun came out.  I said ... "let's go into town" ... not chancing missing the opportunity to walk the streets of Cuenca in the morning.  Trooper that Susan is (and saying she didn't care about the foot or what could be another walk/climb), we headed off and up a very steep and scary mountain.  Needless to say, I hadn't told Susan about this one (either ... why ruin the surprise) and she felt confident that the scary mountain roads (with no guard rails) were behind us ... she wasn't a very happy camper but later admitted that she was thrilled to be back on there winding mountainous roads.
We came into Cuenca through the "back way" and I parked above the village so that getting down to the main part of town would be easy ... getting back to the car turned out to be a different story.
There were still a lot of people, tourists, buses walking around this quaint town.  The Churches were closed and locked ... the Convent was closed and locked ... the Cathedral was open and we tried to enter between the swarms of tourists ... $10 bucks to get in but we didn't care about that ... it was the crowds that we didn't feel like dealing with). Tired we decided to leave and try to return in the A.M. before we depart for Madrid.
Cuenca has a little trolly train and I kept looking for it as we began to make our way back to our car ... walking up and up and up the hill ... but no luck!  We began our climb and I was worried about Susan's injured foot.  However, after taking several different paths, we arrived in the parking lot and neared our car ... just as I spotted the trolly train I had been searching for pulling in to our parking lot... too late!
Back to our hotel after 3+ hours in Cuenca.  We got a Cafe Leche' down at the hotel bar/restaurant (we had missed our Cafe Leche' the past two mornings while having American Coffee from home).  Returned to our room to catch up on the computer, our emails and, of course, Trip Reports.  (It was nice for two days with no Internet and only 10 miles total that I drove in the car over that period of time (did I tell you that "I love that car"?)
It's 10:00 P.M. and we are finished with an awesome day.  We already sent you one report (a recap of our two day R&R respite) ... this one will be sent to you early in the A.M.
Tomorrow, very reluctantly, we head to our hotel for 2 nights in Madrid before our return home ... sad, but true.
Tonight's Closing Thought:
The Lord manifests Himself to those who pause while in peace and humility of heart.  If you look into the murky and turbulent waters, you cannot see your own countenance.  If you want the face of Christ to appear in your countenance, pause, collect your thoughts in silence, and shut the door of the soul to the noise of exterior things.
The greetings of the angels and the blessings of the Good are not for those who live in public squares, that is, outside of themselves, agitated and distracted.  The sweet "Ave" was addressed to the Virgin Mary when she was absorbed in Prayer, in the privacy of her house ... God, in order to be able to speak to the soul and fill it with the knowledge of his love, leads it to the solitude, detaching it from preoccupations of earthly things.  He speaks to the ears of those who are silent and makes them hear His secrets.  (From the Sermons of St. Anthony).
God Bless
Tom & Susan

Caravaca de la Cruz, Espania - Background Story
Caravaca de la Cruz is a town in Southeastern Spain near the left bank of the River Argos. It is the capital of the Northwest Region of Murcia, Spain.
Caravaca de la Cruz is the FIFTH HOLY CITY OF CATHOLIC CHRISTIANITY, having been granted the privilege to celebrate the Jubilee Year in Perpetuity in 1998 by the then Pope John Paul II ... along with Rome, Jerusalem, Santiago de Compostela and Camalena a/ka/ Monastery of Santo Toribio de Liebana (which you have visited on your journey with us). It celebrates its Jubilee every seven years; the first was inb 2003 when it was visited by the then Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI. In 2010, the Second Jubilee was celebrated and it surpassed the one million mark of visits received in 2003.
The Eucharistic miracle of Caravaca de la Cruz regards the celebration of a miraculous Mass during which Jesus appeared inside a Host together with a Crucifix. Thanks to this apparition, the Muslim king of Murcia and his family were converted to Catholicism. The most authoritative document describing the miracle is the contemporary testimony of the Franciscan Father Gilles of Zamora, the historian of King St. Ferdinand.
Amongst the many documents that report this miracle, the most authoritative is that supplied by King Saint Ferdinand’s historian of the time, Father Gilles de Zamora. We know with certainty that a Christian priest, Don Gínes Pérez Chirinos de Cuenca, traveled amongst the Moors of the Kingdom of Murcia with the purpose of preaching the Gospel. He was captured, however, and brought to the presence of the Moorish King Zeyt-Abu-Zeyt who asked him some questions about certain aspects of the Christian faith. The
king particularly wanted to deepen his understanding of the Mass.
The priest went into detail explaining the importance of the Mass and the king, fascinated by the preaching of the priest, ordered him immediately to celebrate a Mass. Since the priest did not have the necessary equipment for the celebration, the king ordered some of his men to get them from the nearby country of Cuenca, in Christian territory. But still, the Cross, which needed to be present on the altar during a Mass, had been forgotten. The priest began to celebrate the Mass but, at a certain point, realized the absence of the Cross. He became troubled and stopped.
The king asked him why he was so disturbed and the priest told him that he needed a Cross. The king however immediately responded, “Wouldn’t that be it?” In fact, at that moment two angels were placing a Cross upon the altar. The priest was deeply moved and gave thanks to the Lord. He then continued with the glorious celebration. The miracle continued. At the moment of the consecration, the Muslim king saw a beautiful Baby in the place of the Host Who gazed on him endearingly. After having witnessed the Miraculous event, the king and his family converted to Christianity and were baptized. Zeyt-Abu-Zeyt took the name of Vincent and his wife took the name Elena.
From that day, the 3rd of March 1231, the country is called Caravaca de la Cruz. Recently, in the jubilee year, the Holy See allowed Caravaca de la Cruz to be the fifth city in the world, after Santiago de Compostela, Santo Toribio de Liebana, Rome and Jerusalem, to celebrate the Perpetual Jubilee (one holy year every seven in perpetuum) in the Sanctuary where the Holy Cross is kept.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Fr. Ramon Andreu's Notes: Part Two, Post 46

—Note about the happenings in San Sebastián de Garabandal.

The secretary of the Bishopric of Santander, by order of his Excellence the Reverend Bishop Fr. José María Cirarda Lechionado, because of the articles published in some magazines and daily papers and the great diffusion of the events of San Sebastián de Garabandal, declares:

1. That the three consecutive bishops, Fr. Doroteo Fernández, Fr. Eugenio Beitia and Fr. Vicente Puchol, have expressed the thought of the Hierarchy in five interventions, from August 26 and October 19, 1961, October 7, 1962 to July 8, 1965 and March 7, 1967.

2. That the two first Prelates agreed that “it is not evident that there is a supernatural origin of the phenomena that have been carefully examined by the Commission instituted for its study”; and the last Prelate, after having discussed the matter with the Holy See, affirmed that “all of the events at this location have a natural explanation.”

3. That the vigor of the decrees dictated by Fr. Beitia (B.O. of Bishopric, 1965, pg. 181) according to those which: a) Priests are prohibited from all intervention, and from participating and collaborating in the development of the events, even in the from of their simple presence as spectators, with suspension of their licenses in this Diocese of Santander for those who attend without express private permission in each case from the diocesan authority. b) We ask all faithful Christians to abstain from increasing the atmosphere of confusion by going to San Sebastián de Garabandal. c) We remember that according to Canon 1399, No. 5, “books and pamphlets that refer to new apparitions, revelations, visions, prophecies, miracles of that introduce new devotions, are prohibited by the same right if they are published without observing the prescriptions of the Canons.” And this makes it evident that in the Diocese of Santander they have never conceded to “print” any book, pamphlet, article, or note about this subject, and the publication of any article or information is prohibited unless it passes the Diocese’s censor first.

5. That it is to praise filial obedience with the clergy and the faithful of the Diocese of Santander following the indications of their Prelates in this matter and especially, that the Reverend Parish Pastor of San Sebastián de Garabandal does not fulfill what has been ordered, he prohibited the celebration of Holy Mass and the formation of special groups for those who pretended to one another in their visits to this parish many times.

6. That it is very sad, on the contrary, the obstinacy that some pledge to promote through publishing companies in a grand scale within and outside of Spain, and to open “Garabandal Centers” to celebrate congresses of the same name, and to organize visits to the place of the events, and to raise a temple there that will be constructed against the wishes of the diocesan Hierarchy. All of them contain a rebellious contradiction to the feeling of the Church and it is a clear sign against the supposed supernatural nature of the said events of San Sebastián de Garabandal and of the atmosphere of confusion created as a result, except for the good faith of some, who ignore the disposition of the Hierarchy and go to the said location.

The Bishop of Santander waits for all of the faithful to adhere exactly to the dispositions of his predecessors by reiterating the publications and continuing them with all vigor.